Friday, March 28, 2014

Mix and Match

Daughter Christine's dream library for her home. . . Wonder if she can take out a bearing wall or two to make this happen....think she'll try?   Nah!!  She has bookcases from wall to wall now but a much smaller window and no view.   With a book in hand who has time to look out?  I am presently reading Louis L'Amour , two down and twenty more to go.  He is one great writer of the Golden West.

Granddaughter Erin sent this picture of one of the fruits she is enjoying.   Sure looks good enough to eat.  A papaya at its best.   Sweet and delicious and good for the body. 

Erin's latest picture with her new co-workers in Guyana.    She writes that she will be teaching two 15-week courses and attending meetings and community events.   She is now getting acquainted with the schools and the community and in May will help to get a first camp ready for the deaf children.   She says cold showers help as it is very hot and humid there.   She is excited happy and ready to do a good job.    

Angie's dogs, Quiso was a little scared of the big sea lions but Mac ignored them.   Angie is enjoying her new home and job.   She got to greet a couple of the ships coming in and has already been invited to visit one. 

Pope Francis entertained President Obama for an hour;  a long visit;   wouldn't it have been nice to have been a fly on the wall . . . wonder if they came to an agreement on life and death in the future; rich giving to the poor . . . it could start with them as they have more than they could ever spend in one lifetime. Now, if they spoke as they believe, it will have an interesting outcome;  but pretense is the name of the game.  Sad but true.

Another fast month, three more day and we are looking for April showers.   We already have them, our third day of overcast, rain , and wind.    It is cold too.    Not sweater weather.     I'll be looking for some floor material this morning for my small entrance way.   When the men put the new door in they tore some of the linoleum  up, not a lot but at a spot where it cannot be repaired.   What is there has done its duty as it must have come with this manufactured house when they put it together.    Probably thirty years ago.   About time for a change I'd say.  I hope to find something a bit lighter and brighter.  I'm off to have my coffee and wake up . . you had better get a move on and get ready to make your day something to brag about.    Be adventuresome and do something you have never done before;  be a sparkle and shine.  Hugs to all.  

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