Saturday, October 11, 2014


Friends in Nevada are enjoying the change of season and the color of Fall.   I remember when there was very little amber and red in the trees but miles of beautiful yellow aspens  gleaming like gold in the sunshine.  I miss the high desert country and all of its beauty.

This was on Facebook.   I agree, don't you? 

A truism.

And in Arizona, Andrea and Bob were enjoying dinner on the patio as they watched this storm coming in.  Andrea tells me it was a 'doozy' and they moved inside until the big blow was over.     It looks pretty awesome. 

I really am thankful for friends like YOU.  

The weekend is here and the weather has changed and the furnace is kicking on . . . Fall is changing into winter, slowly but surely .    My downsizing is coming along slowly but surely.  My closet has returned to a much larger space and the clothing I had not put on my back for a good five  years has gone on to what I hope will be bigger and better events than hanging in a dark room.  I am having problems deciding what to keep and what to let go.  Reams of written words are laying in wait for a decision.   Pages of my travels which were one day going to be the background of a new tale to tell.   I just haven't gotten around to it.  Pages of story poems and old pictures as well.    All within the memory banks so the need for paper isn't really necessary so I think the shredder is in order today.   I'm smiling as you know once I start to read the first words I won't be content until I reread the entire tale.   If your taking bets, know I probably wont get much done today.  So off I go to put my coffee on, oatmeal is cooking on the back burner. . . and upon checking it is scorched on the bottom of the pan, but Ma would say, "eat it, it will cultivate your voice." 
So I'm off to enjoy my oatmeal and a bit of Marcia's apple cake.   Be 'good' today, it won't hurt even a little bit.   Hugs to all.

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