Another street I wished I knew about. This one has a pub named after Thomas Beckett who was murdered by King Henry the Eight . A sad tale. I just read about it in the Ken Follett's book "Pillars of the Earth" ; if you haven't read it, do . . . it is quite a history.
The computer has been 'blessed' several times this morning as it is not sure it wants to connect to the internet. After shutting down and retrying it finally let me in or should I say out. Not a great way to start the day, but patience is a virtue. I hope you are all patient when it comes to the 'confuser' as one of my friends calls his computer. I guess the answer to all of the computer problems is to chuck the old and buy new and it should not be like that. We should be able to purchase a computer that is built to last but the new thinking is to buy, buy, buy with each change that is made. See, I may be patient , but I stand by my rights to roar and bellow about the injustice in our world. Whatever happened to pride in making everything the best it can be so it will last as long as you are content with the product . . . aha, made in China, I should have known. We have smoke in our town, really unhealthy as some outfit is burning piles of forest debris and it is to go on for at least a week. It mixes in with the morning fog but has a smell and it does create breathing problems for some. It seems to hover over the southern part of our little town but a bit of wind can change that in a hurry. So getting upset doesn't do much but a nice ride out of town to Gold Beach may set the mood for a lovely ride and a stop at some old haunts. Lunch at the Bistro would be nice. The little spark of sunshine in a smokey world.
The Marine Corp celebrated 239 years of existence. All four Sullivan men were Marines and proud of it. Today we celebrate Armistices Day, the ending of World War I. So be sure you put out your flag and let our veterans know how much we care about them. There are not many veterans left from World War II, all getting up there in age, but those that are up and moving are the first ones to stand and salute when our flag goes by. Don't forget the Viet Nam vets; those that went over for Desert Storm, and those who have been giving their all over the past ten years in towns we have never heard of in Iran and Afghanistan.. Remember to light a candle for those who gave their lives and for the families that are left behind.
There is a quote from "The Crowns of God, a novel by Morris West which I like to read as it gives a tiny bit of peace of mind when it comes to accepting the loss of love ones. " . . . My dear brothers and sisters, my little children, we all fear death, we shrink from the suffering which may precede it. We quail from the mystery of the last leap, which we must all make, into eternity. But we are followers of the Lord, the Son of God who suffered and died in human flesh. We are the inheritors of the good news which he left with us that death is the gateway to life, that it is leap, not into darkness, but into the hands of Everlasting Mercy. It is an act of trust, an act of love, by which, as lovers do, we abandon our selves to, become one with, the Beloved. "
Don't forget to 'Go with God', do your good deed for today, be good, be kind, be gentle, be patient . . . it takes work, so work hard. Hugs to all.
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