Saturday, May 31, 2014



Angie had this little stranger on her window,  peeking in to see what  was going on. 

A colorful bug;  from the moth family it looks like.    

Your smile for the day, what a cute little guy, or is it a girl with all that pink trim.   We should look so cute when stressed.     

Some of those that got away. 

Scruffy and Helga belong to Sheila.  she called them ying and yang as they shared space. 

They may wish it away but it is here to stay until the truth comes out.    There was a sad poem written by a Marine  telling of the two Marines that died trying to save those in the consulate that day .   Hillary Clinton is starting to make noises for another run for the Presidency . . . now that takes gall.    I hope there are many on the playing field so we have choices, and we can make a difference.

What is new and different in your life today?    I hired a young lady to come in and do three of my cupboards , the low ones, the ones that invite you to get down on the floor to reach the illusive big baking pan for a special dish.    Also, to wipe away a dust kitty or two out of the corners.  I can tell you it was the hardest thing I have done in a very long time;  sitting on my duff while someone else did 'my' work;  I didn't like it at all;  Katrina the Great has bitten the dust.   Tina laughed and said she was on her way to knee and back trouble so she would be slowly working her way to the same life style.   She did a great job and will come back again to take down the curtains and put them back up after I wash them.  She will also take the collector cans down from the top of the cupboards and wash them.  So the dust kitties will have to find new places. There is nothing that says we cannot be a  Well, the least I can do is hold the ladder.

Be sure you take good care of your body;  exercise, bend those knees, straighten up that back, use those muscles and take good care of yourself so you 'last longer' . . . exercise the facial muscles as well,   Hugs to all.


Friday, May 30, 2014


Vertical gardens;   not a lot of room?   Here are a few hints to get started.    

Be sure you put out some sugar water to attract the bees and supposedly do away with them.   I think the bees are suppose to be good for gardens.  Now weeds, that is a different story, wish sugar water would do away with them. 

The darker the better well you can bring them home from the store today looking green but overnight they are brown and ugly and uneatable.   Maybe I'll overlook the color next  time and see if they really are healthy to eat.

Try answering a police officer that way and see what it will get you.

This truism has been around a few times.    Leftover wine, I don't think so.    A good Merlot can add a little pep in your step I'm told, um, how come it only makes me sleepy?

TGIF;  It finally arrived and you have a weekend to look forward to.    We have been expecting rain showers all week according to the weather folks, but so far it has been a bit on the cold side and windy.   Not much gets done with the wind. Pat and I went to an estate sale.   You have to call and make an appointment as the owner, now an Alzheimer victim, owned an antique store.   The lady who is running the sale is far from organized and although she says she will price as she goes, she can't let loose of an anything beyond a kings ransom.   The furniture pieces are something to see, tables with spiral and spindle legs, solid oak or walnut.   The Morris chair was really beautiful but out of pocket book range.   Bev Doolittle pictures I would love to own, but a thousand dollars was a bit out of my league.   Waterford crystal carafes and glasses and an assortment of real Indian collectibles.    So much, so many trinkets from crystal, ivory and cinnabar in miniature shapes and sizes.   A collection of canes, one leather wrapped; another with a hidden sword, and one with a gold plated handle and another in silver.   It didn't take long to know the difference between a yard sale and an estate sale.   I had my eye on a small tea pot that was unusual but she had to wait to see if it was part of a set before she could sell it.   It was probably priced more than I'd pay for it anyway but it would have been something nice for Christine's tea pot collection.  All in all, I do not envy the job this lady has and if she doesn't organize and price she will be trying to sell it all for many months to come.  Only a true collector will have the patience to wait for her to look things up on her computer.  

So check your newspaper today and see if  there is an estate sale nearby.    Take a walk over and check things out.  It is so awesome to see some of the old and beautiful furnishings of a time long gone by.   Such pride and workmanship went into each piece.   Maybe you will find a treasure.    Relax and enjoy your weekend.   Let the smile shine from your eyes;   hug like there is no tomorrow and kiss a frog if you must.  Hugs to all. 

Thursday, May 29, 2014


Maya Angelou, kind, gentle, artistic, brilliant, who left 'words' behind in poetry and in stories which are ours for the taking . . . reminding us it is most important in how we may a person feel.  God rest her soul. 

Gunner and Emma seem to want to help Pat and Jock catch some of those trout up at Laird Lake.   From what I heard, the rains came, pelting, drenching, teeming but they got their quota and coming home to a hot shower and sunshine made it all worth while.    

An artist who does magic in the beach sand. 

One of the designs.    Give this artist a brush or a broom and watch his style. 

Summer is almost here and so goes the gas prices . . . higher and higher. 

If you were here and decided to take a jet boat ride, you would encounter a beautiful bird or two.  

Thursday, all day, and we have been promised showers, but so far they have passes us by.    Along with my birthday gifts was a puzzle, not as big as the one we just finished but just as mean and miserable as it is tiny colorful sea shells.  It reminds me of the 'terror' we finished and I'm probably going to have a word or two but just think of the fun I'll have.    Come, stop in and you can help.

I had a lovely surprise when I picked up the mail and found a package waiting for me.    Andrea and Bob couldn't resist and sent me a lovely blue vase with white etching of a bird and flowers.   It really is beautiful and one of his collectables.    I have been down sizing slowly but surely and vases have been on my list as I seem to attract them like a humming bird to nectar...but, not this one, it is going to have a fat taper in it and I'm betting it will show up to be one of the most beautiful vases I own.   I'll light the candle and smile as I think about how lucky I am to have Andrea and Bob in my life.  

It is your turn to think of someone you love and surprise them with a token gift, something you treasure and want to share with them.    It isn't easy to part with something you love until you realize it is one of the good deeds of life which brings with it a feeling of being loved.   Now that is a gift that is a treasure. Go, gently into the day and find time to give of yourself, the best gift in this world.  Be a humming bird today and hover a bit.   Hugs to all.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Oh, Oh!!

The bad guys are at it again;  throw a bit of egg wash on your windshield, a new way to get you to stop so they can do their dirty work.   If you put on your wipers the mess turns into slime to cover your windshield then you cannot see so you stop and they do not . Just drive on to safety and clean up later.

 Um. . . a great picture to remind us not to drink and drive.   Keep your wits about you as one never knows who or what  you will meet on the way home from  the bar. 

A truism.    Good for a laugh today. 

More stairs, these are in Mexico, rather beautiful, steep and reminiscent of a dancers skirt. 

This stairway is in Australia.  I get dizzy just looking at it.   

A huge volcanic eruption, one of the reasons for our global warming.

Hump Day, and we had a very cold wind blow through yesterday and we have showers heading our way today.   Good, I can stay put and start the puzzle Christine added to the birthday gifts.   It looks like another challenge; um, maybe I'll read awhile or better still go empty some more boxes out in the garage and prepare for the big July yard sale, or get off my duff and dust.   Yesterday, I did walk up to get my hair cut and I was the first customer of the day. Three men came in so I didn't get the usual male cut, wonder what kind of a cut they got.  Smile!!  Say a prayer for Gina and her family.  Her husband has come up with a throat cancer and his options are fading.   She is hoping she can get him into one of the larger clinics, like Mayo, and have some new kind of shots tried.   The doctors here have said there is nothing more that can be done for him but it is hard to give up hope when you love someone.
So today, take to the stairs and keep those muscles working.   Finish up your projects before you think of starting new ones.    Hump day gives you the opportunity to get your projects done.   Meanwhile take time for one good deed today; look around and see who needs a hug.   Keep your wits about you and as the old adage goes, 'don't take any wooden nickels.'   Be bright, be right and shine today.    Hugs to all.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Out and About

There are wonderful folks about as one unknown person in a neighborhood placed a tiny flag on his or her neighbors property to honor the veterans on Memorial Day.  We could all use a neighbor like that.   A life smile, a good deed. 

Son Michael is busy getting a float ready for the big doings in June up there in Gardnerville, Nevada.   His brother John wants to know if it is going to be a saloon and a jail and who rides in front or back.   The theme is old west so it is probably going to be filled with merry makers both ends. 

Over in Guyana granddaughter Erin is showing off some of her new friends.   Erin has been very busy teaching sign language and has several classes lined up.    She is excited as Donaleo is going to visit her this coming month.   We all wish we were going along with him.   

Mr. President is its name.   The National Geographic photographers had to stack 126 photographs to get a picture of the entire tree.   A giant sequoias some 3200 years old and 247 feet tall.   Imagine standing at the bottom of that tree and looking up . . . wow!!

A new week, ending the month of May, No fog this morning, the sun is up and shining brightly so it looks like a walk out this morning or I may work out in the garage getting ready for our July yard sale.  I have been working at down sizing and all those trinkets have to go.    It is a losing battle though as I took down several of my pictures  thinking I would enjoy some blank spaces on the wall for a change only to be given two new pictures.    Christine brought me a beautiful picture of the lavender fields, reminding me of a trip we took last year.   She won a large picture of beautiful daisies and it takes up half a wall.  It is like selecting books to go in the sale, only to stop at a  yard sale and find some hard backs on sale for ten cents so I have seven new books replacing those that I just put out for the upcoming sale.    Maybe I'll have these read and can add them to the pile.   My organized mess, can't live without it, but I intend to try.
Take time to look for some sunshine spots in your day.    Take your hugs out the door and look for some likely targets.    Open your mouth and let some loving words come out.    Smile with your eyes which makes kind words flow from your mouth.    Be a Martha Raye and shout out those three little words . . . I love you . . . and I do, go have the rest of the day to yourself.    Hugs to all.


Monday, May 26, 2014

A tribute

A few of the old posters from World War II. 

Memorial Day, a day of remembrance, a day to remember the thousands who gave their lives in a fight for freedom from tyranny, avarice and greed from a mad man who wished to rule the world. A history that repeats itself as more of our young men and women continue to die as the same ugliness prevails in our world.   

This has been a long weekend of celebrations as flags were draped  on the headstones in cemeteries all over the world.    The old Hollywood movies were on from "The Longest Day" to "Mr. Roberts" and we had a chance to laugh and cry all over again.    So many  memories of those we lost and loved.   So many memories of the years that left our small globe spinning.  The war to end all wars . . . sounded good but war continues and we teeter of the edge of another.

There are so many reasons why peace is illusive;  wouldn't it be better if we could find a way to make war the same.    We have always had the answer in ten little commandments but we just don't follow them.

Go, light a candle or two today.    Be good, be kind, be gentle and share your seconds with those you love.  Add a little light and love to the mix and don't forget to smile with your eyes and walk into a big hug today.   Be a patriot and celebrate as you remember what Memorial Day is all about.   Hugs to all.

Sunday, May 25, 2014


We cannot thank the veterans of all wars enough.   It is an honor to celebrate each and everyone of them.  Memorial Day should be every day.   Here in Brookings it was a beautiful day with lots of visitors taking part in the events.   My expected guests decided to go on to Yellowstone National Park and then return to their travels once they got their car repaired.   Yes, I did go out and buy some special breakfast treats, but they didn't go to waste as I invited Pat and Jock over and we had a holiday breakfast that wasn't at all bad, a bit of burn on the omelet but no complaints and it all disappeared.  Jock brought in some gorgeous flowers from his garden and some brand new smoked salmon to munch on.    Yum, stop in and I'll share. 

I received an attachment with all kinds of stairs throughout our world.   This one is in Portugal.  Strange and colorful.   Looks like a big fish. 

These stairs are in Hawaii.  Looks like a nice walk on top of a mountain. 

I don't think I'd like to have to hike and down these stairs in Liege.  It would be easier going down then up; but I think I'll pass.

Leave it to the Scots to come up with a fancy staircase.    A strange design. 

Stairs built into the mountain side in Greece.

There are a few more pictures to share but I'll put them on tomorrow.   I cant have you walking up and down more stairs today or I'll tire you out.     Wouldn't it be fun to travel and try a few of the stairways?  Maybe you can put a few on your Bucket List.

With all the festivities of Memorial Day , mine was topped off with an invitation out to dinner with La Verne, my friend and neighbor.   She had a fall last week and it took a few days to regroup so she missed the birthday bash, but, she was not about to let me get away without her in on the celebration.  We rode over to the Casino where they have a special Cascadea, not sure if I spelled that right, but I can tell you do not hesitate to order one when and if you come this way.   Delicious is hardly the word for it, scrumptious would be more like it.    La Verne is not a gamer but she decided to indulge and came home fifty dollars ahead.   I came home with my own money so that constitutes a win.   The new machines are the draw and they are fun  to play.  They say they are penny machines but the keys  start with forty cents and work up to several dollars.  Someone had a brilliant idea and it  is paying off at all of the casinos.   The buzz word is gamble and that is exactly what it is.  You take your chances and as the old adage goes, 'live in high hope and die in despair.'   You just never play on scared money because you lose it.    And, if you should win big the Income Tax forms are at the ready and a very large portion goes to Uncle Sam . . . you just can't win. 

It is Sunday, the last of the holiday weekend.  Make the best  of it and have a barbecue  with family and friends.    Be sure you put on sun screen to avoid absorbing the rays of the sun which can give you 'spots' or sunburn.   Fire up the grill and indulge to bulge and have reasons to feel alive, bright and beautiful.   Don't forget the hugs.   Go, have fun, be good, be kind, be gentle and throw a little love in the mix.  Hugs to all. 

Saturday, May 24, 2014


The dictionary tells us that 'care' means attentiveness to detail;   which in turn means that we should get to know each person in our lives so we understand where they are coming from.   It is a 'two way street' and they need to take time to know where we are coming from.    Love grows in fields of understanding the very small details of what makes us 'care' about each other.     

So take time to get to know those in your circle and share the seeds of friendship .  Plant the seeds deep and nurture them forever.

Spiders under glass, great idea, never knew they existed but glad to know that this one stays underwater.   Wonder how we could convince the other creepy crawlers to join the diving spider. It does remind me of a crystal ball sun of spider silk;  amazing.

I had to laugh when I saw this picture.    I bet he really was thinking of food.

Here it is Saturday morning and Memorial Day weekend.   The parade starts at  ten a.m. and I thought about going up to see it but then it is Saturday and my cowboys are on and I'd have to get dressed and put shoes on. . . um. . . think I'll stay put and watch the parade on television this coming week.    There is nothing lazy about me.    I invited Pat over for breakfast as I have a lot of goodies in the refrigerator as I was expecting two young ladies to arrive this weekend but Sheila called last evening to say they had gone on to Yellowstone National Park, ran into car problems and have decided to go back to the dude ranch again and come this way at a later date.    So much for entertaining strangers from Denmark and getting to know them and share some tales.    Why am I smiling?   Guess I was a little apprehensive about entertaining twenty year old strangers.   Talk about sharing and caring.    Phone rang, Pat is coming with Jock for breakfast so I'm off to the kitchen;   sausage and eggs coming up;   cinnamon rolls and coffee.  Happy Holiday, call a friend or family member in and share some breakfast with them.    Smile and hum a lot and you will serve the best breakfast ever.    Hugs to all. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Oh My!

The big beautiful Sierras.    Mike A. took this picture from his back  yard which extends acre upon acre in the valley.    

He has a wonderful garden and works at improving it each year.  Even a butterfly can't resist flirting with his flowers.    That really is quite a shot.    A monarch I  believe.

well as the old song goes;  "baby, I'm telling YOU now." 

Now here is a clever new gimmick;  it is a gadget to put on your bicycle wheel so you can park it.  Pretty good idea . . .look ma, no wrack.

Friday has arrived and with it your weekend to celebrate Memorial Day.   The festivities are many so you should find a good spot to see the parade.   The Garden Club folks have been setting up for the plant sale and I have high hopes of finding a colorful plant or two.   Pat and I stopped at the library book sale yesterday and had a chance to walk across the street to visit the new annex.  It is much smaller than I thought  but well set up with some of the more recent books for sale.  I was introduced to a new author, Patrick Taylor and the first of a series, "Fingal O"Reilly, Irish Doctor" I am told summer reading at its best . 

I hope you are out and about celebrating and salute our flag as it goes by.   Go, have a fun day and remember to be good, be kind, be gentle and plant a big kiss on someone you love today.   Light a candle or two for those who have given their all and remember when you vote this year about the VA scandal and the men and women who died because they do not get the very best of treatment but put on a list and forgotten.   We all know there has always been problems with the VA hospitals and each could tell a tale.  Not one veteran should ever have to beg for treatment of any kind.  AND, they should get the very best of treatment . Ten years of war with hands tied; um. . . something is very wrong.

May is waning;   summer is coming up and be sure to put on sun screen and wear cover-ups so you don't start pre skin cancer spots.    Take good care of YOU.   Hugs to all.

Thursday, May 22, 2014


Remember that when you think there is little or nothing to look forward to;  dream;   it has to be a door way to successful living. . . hugs and smiles;  smiles and hugs . . . sharing. . . caring. 

some folks find this out the hard way so don't be shy.  It is okay to believe, in fact it is the one thing in life that can keep you, hope, charity and love and hugs. 

Even the lowly dandelion has beauty all its own. 

The sails unfurl  and the tall ship is ready for an excursion in the river in Coos Bay, Oregon 

Here she is, Angie.  You know she would be first to get a ticket and a ride on the tall ship.   She has a zest for living and a positive attitude about life and living.    She wrote that it was a wonderful ride and she did jump when they shot the cannon off. 

Mac and Quiso. Angie's pets she calls love puppies.    So content, such fun.

Here we are Thursday all day, sun is shining and Memorial Day weekend is about to start.  There will be a parade up town; a library book sale;   the Garden Club plant sale;    all kinds of activities at the Port and visitors crowding the town as they take advantage of the beaches and even a fishing trip or two.   It should be a fun weekend.

Meanwhile there are chores to finish and a sprinkle of water for the outside plants.   We have a drought going, not a huge one, but enough to be reminded to take good care of our water usage this summer.   I will probably water the larger areas once a week and take a watering can to the plants if they begin to shrivel.   I have a new rose bush and a couple of other small plants that are new and some baby tears to take care of.  I want them to spread and cover the bald spots in front of the house.   This past winter was hard on the gardens and I lost several of the colorful bushes.   The one I miss the most is the Rose of Sharon that was so big and beautiful out front.  Folks used to stop their car to take a better peek at it.   I'll have to keep an eye open for another one.   

The empty nest survives as the family members have taken to the road and gotten home safe and sound.  Back to work and enjoying their familiar.    Jock has taken his boat out and hopefully catches more salmon which I hope he intends to grill on Pat's grill.   We are so spoiled.   I hope you spoil your family members today and every day and they reciprocate and show you lots of love for your caring and sharing.   We are lucky to have family  to share our love and good times with.   I was in the market yesterday and taking my time reading labels when an elderly gentleman stood quietly waiting for me to move so he could get to the cooking oil that I was standing in front of.    I apologized for taking so long and moved so he could get the item he wanted.  He smiled with the softest brown eyes and said it was okay, then added that he just buried his wife the other day after sixty six years of marriage and wished he had been able to go along with her.   My heart stopped;  I wanted  to hug him but all I could do was to touch his arm and tell him I was sad and sorry to hear his news.    Right then and there I wanted to adopt him.    One never knows who or what will enfold in a day .   So be kind, be gentle and share your love and laughter, smiles and hugs with those you have the pleasure of meeting today.    Start with your family, add your friends, and do include a stranger or two.  Some folks are hurting and could use even a light touch.  Hugs to all.