Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Promised Birthday Pictures

Marcia, John, Jock, Sue, Me, Darlene and Peat

John took Mike's picture when he picked him up at the S.F. airport 

Mike, Patricia with presents, and me.    No gifts....yeah, now I'll tell one. 

The fascinating palm tree on the driveway side of Pat's yard.  Belongs to the neighbor.   I'd like one of those.  Wouldn't you? 

Emma knows that someone is going to drop a crumb or two.  She wait s patiently. 

John, Patricia, me, Christine and Michael

Christine was a very busy kitchen 'aid' ;  did a great job waiting on every one. 

That Strawberry Short Cake was gift from Dee who makes them on a daily basis at her Tea Shop.  She also brought me a boxed ready to take home coconut  crème pie ...just for me . . . stop by and I'll share.
The carrot cake was made by Patricia using her sister Christine's recipe.   They have a contest going on as to who makes the best  carrot cake . . . let me tell you both are excellent and there is not one piece left.  Christine's carrot cake is very, very, very rich so you can only eat a very tiny piece  while Pat's carrot cake is to die for and you can eat a very big piece and go back for more.    You decide, if you get to try either or both, me, I'm just going to eat what is put in front of me without comment ...I know what side my 'cake' is on. 

Marcia. Sue and Dee sharing a peek at  my gift.  Pat is smiling;  she really did just invite me for a birthday dinner which Jock was going to cook up one of his fresh caught springer, which he did, along with ribs, baked potatoes and salad.  Then came the guests for coffee and cake....a big surprise.  I keep telling you 'friends' make the difference in your world;  and family . . . there are just not enough words  to tell how much love they bring with them.    

Marcia. me, Darlene, Sue and Dee.   We moved out on to the patio as Darlene and Peat are both chair bound.   They gave me that beautiful big yellow rose bush to plant in the yard.   John did.  He dug a big hole and put it in and it  looks like it where it belongs, now all it has to do is grow and bloom. 

Daughters . . . aren't they wonderful?    Oh my yes! 
So now you are caught up with the 90th birthday bash.    That is It!!!  NO MORE!!!  I promise not to remind anyone next year.     That glow that just walked by is ME coming down from one very fabulous week with family and friends.

It is now Tuesday, the 20th, and  Pat and I just  arrived from Coos Bay.   We had our trip to the dermatologist  and he managed to zap us with his little silver can.    The burn on my cheek and forehead look like a red alert signal and the puffy under eye is white so I don't look like I have a shiner.    For those of you with light skin stay out of the sun as it does not do you any favors, in fact it introduces something called keratosis , a precancerous skin condition.   So lather up and cover up and buy a sun bonnet .   I have to tell you  I met one very lovely office nurse who opened a friendship door and walked right in.   What a sweetheart.  Meanwhile, take good care of you so you can smile with your eyes and walk into a hug or two.  

Once more THANKS TO EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU for loving me.   Hugs to all .

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