Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Up in Port Orchard, Washington the Art show was a huge success.   The entrance fee was only ten dollars and open to the public.  The response was great and Christine and Pam can take a lot of credit for a job well done.    Wonder what they are up to next.

Thanks for the picture Jen; it has been awhile since I saw a lenticular cloud.  They are prevalent  to  Nevada and so beautiful as they swirl and hover in the skies.   Sometimes like a line of UFO's.

Romance in bloom.   The camera person was in the right spot at the right time to catch this scene.    

Sad the two thousand page bill didn't come in a box so it could have been discarded.  I am still in awe to think those who are supposed to represent the American people as a whole, did not take time to read the bill before they passed it.    If the job is too much for them, maybe we should keep this in mind when we next vote.

Here it is Tuesday already, the week is going to pass quickly so get your chores done and then take time out to relax and enjoy an art show or a walk in the park.   We have a colorful sky this morning with lots of lavender and pink in it;  maybe the sun will break through and warm us up.  It went from eighty degree days to sixty-five, of course, I shut my furnace down.   It is cold in here this morning, so off I go to make my coffee and wake up.     Don't forget a good deed or two today;  make someone smile and know what a bit of love feels like.    Start within your own four walls and work your way out.    Don't forget hugs make you stronger.   Anything that feels that good has to be good for the body and the soul.    Go hug a friend or two.   Hugs to all.

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