Monday, June 30, 2014


So you get up in the morning and you look up and ask that you be the best you can be.

The ladies

The gentlemen
John and Jo traveled the highways and byways to get to Michigan and join Jo's family members for their annual reunion. There was lots of laughter, smiles and hugs and a great time was had by all.

A truism 
Monday, new week starting and the month of June is almost gone.  The Fourth of July coming up and hopefully lovely weather and a few bright displays in the sky.  Here in Brookings it is usually a bit on the foggy side but the fireworks show through anyway.  Pat and I are having a yard sale so it will be interesting to see how many take time out to look for treasures.  We have lots of them . . . smile!!

I read this yesterday: "Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.  People come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.  Embrace all equally."   See!!  What have I been telling you all this time?   Someone agrees with me, hope it is each one of you.    Go, make your world a better place and 'practice what is preached.'   Hugs to all.

Sunday, June 29, 2014


This sign or picture says a lot about how people think of Nevada.  They equate Las Vegas as Nevada and there is so much more to Nevada than the gaming industry.   Returning from Las Vegas with friends, after we had attended a NARFE convention, we took a different route back to Carson City.  It was a trip that stayed in my mind for a very long time and one day I put it into words.

The Gorge

A new road to follow
new sights to see
underground aquifers
set water free
green meadows abound
Spring calves gamboling around

small towns so ancient
you go back in time
progress has missed them
and peace is found

sandstone mountains
caves and caverns,
pinnacles high,
resisting time
rain, snow and sleet
leave rivulets to see
as the sandstone hardens in the heat
billions of years slowly eroding
sandstone mountains crackle and craze
making families of faces, natures parade.

the road goes on endlessly
as far as the eye can see
and when  you reach what you thought was the end
the road goes on endlessly again
funky bars, ranches old
gas pumps with prices gold
familiar signs
you're closer to home
roadside pebble names you have seen before
but never stop to add your own
Your home is still standing
open the door
put on the kettle and have some tea
then sit back, relax with your memories.


Yes . . . There really is a lot more to Nevada.   


bragging again

Grandma Judy said Joseph has fund his feet.  What a sweetie!

Granddaughter Erin presented the winning cup to the winner, not sure if this has to do with the spelling contest or not.  No words came with the picture.  Congratulations to this young man.

Ms. Angie has the cutest rain gage in her garden.  What a delightful sense of fun she has. 

Say goodbye to the soft seat as it is going out the door this week.  Yep, downsizing is not fun, but then you can't take everything with you.   I was lucky to sell both the sofa and the love seat to a brand new family moving into Brookings.   I have to rearrange the chairs so I don't look like I'm living in a 'bare' room, but I'm sure I'll find a way to make a comfortable seat for you when you come this way.   The dining room chairs are not a bad seat, just hard, and when you 'get up away' it is easier to get 'in and out' of a 'hard' chair.

Yard sale coming up for the Fourth of July weekend.  Hope there is a lot of folks in town looking for treasures.    Say a prayer the weather cooperates as we have been having heavy fog and some rain.  No complaints though as we really need the rain.  Fire season has started. 

So on this Sunday morning, count your blessings.   Bend the knee and offer up a few prayers for those in need and those suffering a loss of a loved one.   Life can be cruel at times and it can be a blessing at times, we just have to learn to go with the flow each second of our day.   It helps if you keep a positive attitude and although that is something to strive for, it is never easy.   Sometimes life throws us a hard punch  . . . isn't there an old adage about 'if someone throws you a punch, you roll with the punches.'  Wonder what the rest of that one is. 
The sun is shining, a beautiful Sunday to go out and about.   We took a ride to the port  yesterday to see the sea lions but they must have taken off for deeper waters.  The summer folks were many , the RV's pulled up in their spaces and children playing in the waves.   So fine something fun to do today and do it.   Smile with your eyes and don't forget to walk into a bear hug or two.   Hugs to all.

Saturday, June 28, 2014


Wishing to see the sunset in Arizona where Bob and Andrea enjoyed this view.

Wishing to go off in this beautiful boat and enjoy the sights and sounds. 

Wishing for a trip to Las Vegas and see a show, go to a buffet and play a bit.

Wishing for a trip to Africa and see all the animals close up.

It is summer time and vacation time and thoughts run to where would I like to go;  If I had my druthers, I'd choose Italy as there are many sights to see, but, I'd want to keep going and see much more of other countries.   I know, now is not the time to think about traveling anywhere and if you can't afford it staying home is best of all.  I couldn't walk that far around the areas anyway.   I am just pumped up because Travel Zoo sent their new list of places to go and now include pictures.   I'd say they were on the right track as their list is much more inviting with the new pictures.

So it is the beginning of the weekend and almost the last day of June.    So the vacation spot today is right here at home.   I have things to do and a blueberry scone to eat , and I'm humming "who could ask for any thing more". . . well, a peek at you wouldn't be all bad.    Stay healthy and happy, find contentment in your corner of the world.   Don't forget a good deed today and hum a lot it is good for the soul.   Hugs to all.

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Hedgehogs.   I've never seen one.   Quite a family to feed in ones garden. 

Latest picture from Erin.  She is assisting in preparing the group for a national spelling bee.  The students come from various areas and the event will be televised.  

Time to wake up and find the real true reasons for this.   Yeah, socialism, we know. 

He is determined to keep us down and out.

Another chart showing the way to Socialism and a very bleak future for our children and grand children.
Remember all the charts, the words, the warnings when it comes time to cast your vote.    

Fancy rolling pins that leave a design in your pie dough.   An artist from Poland came up with  this idea.  Now if we armed a few housewives to stand by the voting booths there might not be so much hanky- panky going on in the voting booths. 

Hump Day and the news is not improving.   Our fog has rolled in and it is a pea soup fog, along with rain which means no watering for me.   I like that, although it was fun making rainbows out in the back yard when I watered the other day.   Jock and Pat are off clamming this morning in a low tied over in Crescent City.  Razor back clams are not one of my favorites though.   Probably because I don't have them often and have no idea how to cook them.   Probably be tough in a chowder. 

Go, use your seconds wisely today.   Bend the knee and offer up a prayer .  We need a list that is so much to pray for.   Light a candle it cannot hurt.   Do your part by being the best you can be.   Offer a helping hand, one good deed, a smile, a hug and some soft words to those in need.   Be 'special' today, as only YOU can be.   Make your corner of the world a bright spot.  Hugs to all.    

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Pictures and Words

The largest volcano in Hawaii is getting ready, and is being watched as it rumbles and shakes.  The ring of fire has been very busy this past few y ears.   The earth is shaking and quaking.  We had a tsunami notice the other day when the earthquake shook the Aleutian Islands up in Alaska.  Mother Nature let s us know when to pay attention to her temper tantrums.

Here is Lady Hillary  Clinton at one of her book signings.   Gall comes to mind. 

A truism. 

This one made me laugh out loud.   

Thanks, feels good to smile, and just thinking about YOU makes me smile. 

You have seen Mike Amacher's  pictures on my blog as he is always great about sharing pictures he takes up there I Gardnerville, Nevada.   This one he entered into a contest and it was accepted, so, go on Facebook and vote for him and his beautiful cloud picture.   A sight we don't see every day.
In writing this blog over the years, I have repeatedly talked about seconds and not to waste them as one never knows what the day will carry.  In the blink of an eye your immediate world can change.  Yesterday I received a call telling me of the death of my son-in-law, Russell Benish.   He was called to the bedside of his mother who had suffered a heart attack.   He and his two sisters were on their way to the hospital when they became involved in an accident that took his life and the life of one his sisters.  The other is in serious condition.   We have yet to learn the details and my grandson Mason is facing decisions he never thought he would ever have to make in this lifetime.  Please say a prayer for Mason and his wife Amy as they walk down a painful pathway . 

 So today, and every day keep in mind that your seconds are very important.  It is for you to live each one as if it were your last  day on this earth.  Be good, be kind, be gentle and mend your fences as you go along.  Do not waste a second as once gone you can never get it back.  A good day to tell those you really truly care about how much you appreciate them and how much you love them.  Go, don't waste your seconds.  Hugs to all. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Our Ms. Emma the day after a swim and a hike.  She loves to go play with her friends and runs herself ragged.   Lolly-gagging around the next day seems to be her preference . . . 'go away, don't bother me.'

Here is Angie's Queso.  What a cutie and not a sock is safe in this house.

It  would be nice if Obama and his tsars read up on a few of the founding fathers words of advice.    

I think I have found an answer to my mobility in the future.    I haven't reached the non stop walking yet, but this looks like a good idea.  I'd have to have a big flag so I'd be seen.  Come to think of it the first policeman would pull me over and give me a ticket .   I don't think they would appreciate me riding on the yellow lines.  Wonder if it would fit on a bicycle path;  maybe we should have a path of our own.

The sun is coming up, looks pretty peeking over the rooftops.   It is still on the cold side here and we may have a little rain, time will tell.   We can use some as the gardens need a good soaking.  I watered some yesterday before the winds came up.  The ground is cracking, needs attention, need a pitch fork turn over and some feeding.  I have a yellow rose on the birthday bush Darlene and Peat gave me.  John planted it and it seems to love it.    I have an azalea bush much too close to it and it is coming along slowly.  Probably have them to close together, or they may find they like each other and prosper.  Time will tell.

Enjoy your Tuesday.   Don't forget your one good deed for today.    The grocery chains have programs to help feed the poor.  We are hearing that the lines are getting much longer around here.  Be a bumble bee today and buzz around so you catch up with yourself.   Share a hug or two.    Smile with your eyes and mean it.   Hugs to all.

Monday, June 23, 2014


The attachment that came in yesterday showed the imagination of what the male designers think up.   makes for a great bachelor pad!!

It's Monday, to early to think, to early to wonder what to do with my day.  I finished the Sidney Sheldon book and enjoyed it.  What a remarkable life and what a talented man who lived with bipolar and succeeded in life.
   If I don't click the keys, I can hear silence.  It  is that quiet around here this morning.  Not a leaf stirring.  No dog walkers.  I wonder where the resident deer are this morning.  Soon the garbage truck will come thundering down the street and the quiet will be gone.  So, I will add to the noise and put on my television and find out what the news has to offer this morning.    Peace, Quiet and Tranquility . . . would be nice, but I don't think so. 
Breakfast is calling, coffee, I need coffee . . . ham and eggs would be nice but that sounds like a lot of work; think I'll have some cinnamon  toast and fruit, but a great big buttermilk donut would taste better.   Go, be a wonderful YOU this morning and open up those baby blue or brown or hazel eyes and smile for the world and make it a better place today.   Hugs to all.    

Sunday, June 22, 2014


Calla Lily in pink and yellow, quite a combination of softness and beauty.  The ones in my garden are white with a touch of yellow, beautiful when they first bloom then change to a brown and fade away.  They don't last long but do make a beautiful arrangement  when they first bloom.

Did you know what this is?  I did . . . a paper cutter from way back, think it is still in good use.

Granddaughter Erin's latest picture as she is out and about seeing a little of the area in Guyana. 

Back in Pittsburgh, Pa. Lynn is watching summer lightening storms.   Bet the humidity is high.   

Feeling safe?    Not hearing about this are we.  

This is interesting.  
Sunday morning and it is quiet outdoors this morning.  The dog walkers must be sleeping in.

Grocery shopping day for me.   I have to check the ads and see if there is something I really need on sale.  I noted that blueberries are on sale today and I can never have enough of them.   Love to have them by the hand full and in a pie or blueberry muffins never go to waste around here.   Talking about them makes me hungry so off I go to put on my coffee and fix something to go along with it.  Wish it were blueberry muffins.

Have a calm and cool Sunday.   Rest and Relax and enjoy the company of a good book.  I am going to finish up Sidney Sheldon's "The Other Side of Me"; if you haven't read it, do, it is quite an autobiography of this talented writer.

Be good, be kind, be gentle and go with the flow today.    Hugs to all.

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Life is like a rose, sometimes beautiful but thorny.  

Softness and calm  with a rich aroma of the essence of life.

A day in a rose garden picking a bouquet might give him some thought.

Another fairy tale. 

We could all use a long walk on a sunny beach.   Invigorating. 

Ha, Ha,  your smile for today.   

The weekend is here, seemed a long time in coming this past week.   Not sure why, maybe the cool and high wind that kept us inside catching up on chores that needed doing.   I am hearing fire crackers going off around the neighborhood.   Some folks start early.   I'm not much of a fan of fire crackers although I can remember a time when it was fun to hold a sparkler or fire up those tiny Chinese firecrackers.  If I remember correctly salmon patties and fresh garden peas were high on the menu, along with a saugie  (hot dog) with homemade  relish , and home baked molasses beans.  I really didn't appreciate salmon in those days; but after tasting Jock's grilled salmon I have learned to love it.   So, the Fourth of July holiday is coming up. Get out your flag and hoist it to the top of the pole or hang it over the porch rail, but get it out there for all the world to see.   Have a be good to yourself weekend, rest and relax for a change.    Be good, be kind, go gently into your weekend and enjoy ever second.   Don't forget smile with your eyes and be a 'bear' hugger  and make those you love beg for more.   Hugs to all. 

Friday, June 20, 2014

More Orchids

Similar to a bee; Ophryr Bonybliflora) a homely one at that.   Strange mix of colors, doesn't look like an orchid as its tongue gets in the way.

Dancing males, Orchis Italia) 

The Psychotria Elater  or lips; remind me of the lip jobs that became 'the' look for the ladies. . .fat lips, who needs them?   Yuck.   Bright and beautiful color for an orchid, different.

The Flying Duck or Caleana Major ;  Seem more like love birds.

Trash on the beach made into a sea gull.   There should be no trash on the beach.   

the caption said "I dub thee. . "   Cute!!   Those hugs and touches tell every time.

The weekend coming up, fast week, a bit on the cold side here in Brookings.  Around 50.  Cold in the house , almost thinking of turning the heat back on, but, I know it will warm up and be a beautiful day as the sun is up and the dog walkers are out.    No special new news this morning.  I put a new puzzle on the table and the frame doesn't want to go together.   Two pieces don't want to fit so that means two pieces that are in there should not be.  Pat where are you?  she is so good about fixing that problem.   I have pictures in my camera of the last puzzle but no outlet to plug the cord in . . . Pat, where are you?  She's really good at fixing those kinds of problems.   Oh to be computer literate.

I'm making blueberry pancakes this morning so off I go to put on my coffee and make up the batter.  You are welcome to join me...if only you were close by.    The end of your week;  a weekend coming up to enjoy and that is what you should do 'enjoy' every second.   Catch up with yourself.    Don't forget your one good deed of the day like taking your dog for a walk or playing with your cat for a while.   Cut a few of those garden flowers and put them in a pretty vase and brighten your room.   Share YOU with those you love.   Hugs to all.