Thursday, July 31, 2014


A family outing and that little guy can keep up.  What a cutie. 

A truism 

This picture reminded me of the only Irish joke I can actually tell and not lose the punch line.  It really is more of an Irish tale than a joke but makes every one laugh.  I am sure I have told it before but it never hurts to tell it one more time.    "There was once two Irish men who were bosom buddies and spent every waking moment with each other taking the boat to work; drinking at the local pub, visiting each other every free moment.  One morning Paddy didn't show up at the ferry boat for work.  Mike went on without him but was worried as Paddy was always on time.   After work Mike went to Paddy's house to find out what happened to him.   Paddy's wife met him at the door and told him that Paddy was very ill, in fact had the last rights, so she asked that he go up and see him and cheer him up.   Mike went up the stairs, bent his head as the ceiling was slanted and sat down.  He told Paddy the news of the day and did his best to cheer him up, then said he had to go and as he stood up he bumped his head on the slanted ceiling saying, "jasus how the hell are they going to get a coffin out of here."   

A truism 

Now that is another truism.   How we know the mind is always working even if we decide to lie still.

Hump Day;  another ending as the month of July goes down in history with the never ending bad news of war and all its ugliness.   There is a world of beauty out there but we never hear of it.   I spend time, actually wasting some of my seconds grousing over weeds.  I learned a big lesson yesterday as I walked up to have my hair cut and passed an open field of weeds that were all in bloom and they were actually beautiful.  How little chance we give them to shine.  I was fascinated.  I have never seen the variety of wild weeds in full bloom before.  Mother Nature knows what she is doing.  Wish I did, and how I wished I had my camera with me.

So maybe now I will give the weeds a chance.   I may let a few grow and see what they look like in my garden.  I am not sure I have the courage of my convictions but I am willing to 'change my tune' after seeing that field of true beauty.   One never knows .

So take a walk today and look around you.  See what is out there.  Don't miss the free shows as they are all around.   Stop, look, listen and learn.    Take a friend along and enjoy the walk, leave all  your gadgets home and free yourself for a short time . . . be a weed.  Hugs to all. 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Reminiscent of the thirties;  a sand storm in Phoenix;  looks ugly. 

Reflections in the tide  pools on an Oregon beach. 

Andrea and Bob sent this picture of a cloud formation from their back yard in Prescott, Arizona;  the shape of a beautiful flower opening to the sunshine.   A picture of hope.  

Bob and Andrea have finished the bocce court and from what I hear it was a tremendous job.  They didn't have help , nor did they ask for any, and they are ready for friends and family to come and enjoy the court.  I think I heard a few groans all the way here.   Extremely  exhausting work but they survived and are ready to play.   Great job you two.  

The fog is heavy this morning leaving shadows of the trees, quiet silhouettes as there isn't a hint of a breeze.   You can 'hear' quiet.   Not a creature stirring, not a bird in sight.   It is early yet, so it will change as the dog walkers come out and folks start up to the store .   I'm thinking of taking my walker out and hike up to the barber shop and say hello to Gina and let her cut my hair.    She has been keeping it very short and I've grown accustomed to it and love the wash and wear ease in which I can even finger comb and get away with it.   

Enjoy the day.  Remember  you make your world go around.    Hugs to all.


Tuesday, July 29, 2014


There is going to be an Art Festival up in Port Orchard and I've been invited, only  I am not planning that trip again so soon.   I sure think the artists are talented and do a great job. 

Another sample . . .makes you want to put on your dancing shoes and go out for the evening. 

A  little cutie asking if you want to take her picture.  love those pantaloons. 

His reputation is becoming known to the world.   A horses ass, I couldn't say it better.  Such a big disappointment.  He used to think for himself and really was a good Senator for Nevada, but he has changed with the times and I wonder why.

If you want o know what is going on just check out a political cartoon.    

We always signed in at the ballot box.   Sad to think that ways have been found to cheat the system.  A price we have paid dearly.

I have no idea why you wake up in the middle of the night and cannot go back to sleep.  The mind seems to take on a life of its own and you can't solve any of the thought problems because they are fleeting what ifs that really have no true ground . . . so  you reach for that book you have been reading on and off all day and before you know it the story ends, you put out the light and go back to sleep.  If you need a good book to read, pick up Lee Child "A Wanted Man"; a Jack Reacher story. . .what a guy.   I think Tom Cruise has been selected to be Jack Reacher in the movie.   I found it a good read even though there are passages that have a bit more detail than I care to read about, but that is what skimming is all about.    Tom Clancy writes like that, terrific stories but sometimes lost in long descriptions.    Maybe that is what espionage is all about . . . details.    

I'm off to have my coffee and wake up.    I read somewhere that coffee grounds are especially good for azalea bushes and I have a new baby one that could use a little help so I am going to take the old coffee grounds out and hope for a healthy bush.   I have to water the back today and make a few rainbows.   I might even pull a week or two.    So, get up, get going and decide what you want to do with your seconds today.    Just don't waste them.    Be a busy 'body' and visit a friend who may be ailing and in need of a hug.   Sometimes a telephone call does the deed.  I had a call from my  friend in Ecuador yesterday telling me more about her life there.   It was nice to hear they were not up in arms or having any political problems there.   She finds the people very friendly and says they have that special feeling for older members of their families.  She was packing to go for a weekend visit to friends in another larger city.  She promised to take her camera and maybe she will send some along so we can share in her journey.

So pack your bag with sunshine and smiles today.    Share YOU with family and friends.    Remember a frown makes wrinkles, while a smile chases them away.    Hugs to all.

Monday, July 28, 2014


A truism 

Hidden treasures.  Nature's art.    

Roots vs. cement and wins!   Yeah for Mother Nature.   Another lovely piece of art.

Speaking of art, isn't she beautiful.   You have to admit with age comes beauty of a different kind. 

A new week starting;  a month almost at a end and time marches on.   I talked with son Michael and he is still having one hundred degree days up there in the high desert country.    There have been several lightening caused fires in the Sierras but so far the fire fighters have been able to contain them.  I remember the first fire I saw up in those mountains above Carson City.   The flames flared and jumped from tree to tree.  It was a scary and awesome sight.   The next morning the sky was so strange and colorful I wrote a little story poem about it.

A Special Sunrise

Fires in our forests
many miles away
send smoke into our valley
hovering like a fay

I walked outside
in early morning darkness
to watch the sun rise
hoping I could see
through smoke and haze

I looked over to the east
to see a splendorous sight
as a brilliant orb of sun
peeked like a shining light

the mountain rills were darkened
the smoke and haze were gray
but the orbit of the sun
brought rays of brilliant shades

I stood in awe to see the colors
come to life
spectacular and beautiful
a sign things will be alright.


Out of darkness comes light, so know that fortitude and patience is our way to a bigger and better life.   It takes faith, hope and a lot of work on our part to survive in our world.   The news hovers like a smoking fire ready to burst into flames  and in some parts of our world it already has.   Avarice and Greed are the name of the game and seven billion people are paying a price for it.    So you have your little corner of the world to take care of.   Be smart, be aware, pay attention to what is going on in your corner of the world.  Bend the knee and do your good deed today.    Put a smile on your face and plan to get a few 'things' done that you know need to get done.    Hum, it helps.   Find someone to hug, it's even better.   Hugs to all.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Presidential Car

Al Capone was owner of this car, a beauty in its day.   President Roosevelt  needed  transportation when he was to make his Day of Infamy speech to Congress.   It became his limo in 1941. Flashing lights, and a scanner radio was installed.   The car sold at auction for $341,000 in 2012.

The busy president who loves to golf, vacation, golf, vacation, golf and let the world go about its own business for he has things to do. . . vacation, golf, vacation, golf and oh, before I forget go on speech making events to make money sure his 'party' can vacation in the style they have become accustomed to.

Your smile for today.    

I had two Fridays;  don't know why I thought yesterday was Friday, but it turned out to be Saturday all day and a good one.   Pat and I had a ride over to Crescent City and found our way to our favorite drug store where they have a collection of cards that are fantastic.   Mike is having a birthday next month so it is time to find some beauties to send.   You have heard the expression. . . 'don't get mad, get  even';  well it is time to share a few sentiments his way.   We found our way to one of our favorite Chinese restaurants and opted for one of their special chicken and vegetable plates and were not disappointed.    The ride through the redwood corridor is always pleasing.  There is something about riding through the trees that makes one feel at peace with the world.    

So today, find some peace in your world.    Sunday could be a day of rest, but it is summer and it is fun to have family and friends over for a cookout, or a trip to the park, or a swim.  Whatever you choose to do, make your Sunday into  'Fun day' and smile while you do it.    Don't forget the funnies.    Fill your day with love and laughter, you wont be sorry.   Hugs to all.

Saturday, July 26, 2014


A reminder of trips up into the Sierras and wildflowers.

Riding up old 88, a route to Markliville
the road sides overflowing
with ancient rabbit brush
in between are wild flowers
all names I do not know
they take your breath away
as they set the field aglow

I see a purple thistle, majestic I would say
some white and yellow daisies
or at least they look that way
The Indian paint brush is colorful to see
but what is that gorgeous flower
that stand so tall and straight
it looks like a sentinel tending Heaven's gate
so no matter where  your eye looks
as springtime comes along
there are hundreds of wild flowers
right where they belong.

A possum with six babies 

A swan keeps her babies safe under her wing 

He you guys, enough of that smooching. 

Those are not all my legs...come on kids, quit your kidding. 

Wow, think I'd leave these guys alone.   Look like sticks.

Friday, all day, sunshine here as we heat up a little after a cool week.    It means watering the lawn, that perfect yellow circle in my back yard that defies all kinds of  weather to exist.   How come it keeps alive is beyond me.  Maybe it  is the weeds that grow within its circle that holds it together.  I often think a slate patio would look so much better and a lot less work.   Um . . . then I'd have to sweep it and pick weeds out between the stones.  Maybe I'll leave it alone.  I hope you are out making your yard beautiful.  Pull up a chair and take time to relax and enjoy all of your hard work.    Sit quietly and watch the birds and bees.  Find some peace and harmony in your own back yard.    Think about that good deed you want to accomplish today.   Call or write a friend who has just lost someone they love and give them a verbal hug.  Be good, be kind, be gentle as you share YOU with those you love. Hugs to all.


Friday, July 25, 2014


The tectonic plates between North America and Europe. It looks like a peaceful scene but when they move we certainly hear about it.      

Attitude is everything and these 'boys' have a lot of it. 

About the only thing that hasn't changed.  It would be nice to say I wore the same dress size but I'd be telling lies if I said that.   Well lets just say there is more to love.

The sun is up and it looks like it is going to be a nice day.   We had a few sprinkles this week but hardly enough to brag about.   Watching the news about weather , especially on the east coast, I count my blessings.   We have been lucky to have cool foggy days but the weather forecast is for hot days to come this week.   Hopefully that means inland and we keep our fog.  It is tuna canning time and Pat and Jock are going to be busy today.   I put my order in.   I would offer to help but I would be more of a hindrance than a help.   Hands don't work like they used to;  fact nothing works like it used to.  

I haven't turned the news on yet, or made my coffee.  I wonder what transpired in the night;  more plane crashes?  What is going on ?   Seems strange.  The Democrats and the Republicans are sending out surveys with the expectation it will help find new leaders for their parties.   The Democratic one blames the Republicans for all the woes, and want to continue on doing the will of their leader while the Republicans send a list of every name and ask you to rate each possible candidate.   As a Democrat with Independent  leanings, I filled out the survey and disagreed with all they asked as I don't think the current Democratic party members are doing their job at all.   I think they should all be shelved.   Harry Reid is such a huge disappointment. Once he was a tremendous fighter for Nevada and did many good things for his state.  But he has changed to Mr. Milktoast and letting his state and the country down.   I had a few words for Nancy P.  but wound up tearing it up as I figured it would be ignored anyway.  I am for impeaching this president and do not understand why it has not happened.  On the other hand I wonder why others think he is doing a good job;  just don't understand it.   Some one once said you should never talk about religion or politics, so I'll take that into my mind and get off my soapbox.   All this because I said I was going to make my coffee and turn on the news.   Be good . . . be aware . . . be astute . . .  be careful and take good care of Y OU.   Don't forget one good deed today, share a hug and a smile with those you meet and greet.  Hugs to all.  

Thursday, July 24, 2014


Angie took this picture when she went out on the fishing boat.  She said it wasn't easy to catch fish when the boat had a mind of its own.   The waves kept the boat rocking and Angie along with it.  She did catch her limit though and is ready to go out to sea again.

Fire up in the Sierras.   It is an awesome sight.  I talked with my friend Helen last evening and she tells me it  is awful hot up there.   They did get a rain storm up there that helped put this fire out .   I gather the valley got most of the storm but not enough to cool down Carson City. 

Gasoline cost $4.05 in Washington .  Forty dollars to fill a tank is normal these days.  No fair.  Not right.

Wish I had some as my  little bouquet of sweet peas is floundering. 

I'll have to tell Christine about this little trick.  They get a lot of ice on the windshield up there in Washington state.    

Who uses a punch bowl?  Haven't seen one in action for some time.   A good idea if you are having a party and using a punch bowl.   Invite me over and I'll be your taster.

It is Thursday already, the week is going by fast.   I like weekends.   I visited my neighbor Mary yesterday who is home from a surprise visit to the hospital where they did a double bypass and she is doing very well.   She thought she swallowed some rice wrong and it stuck in her throat and she couldn't get it to move and  her throat hurt.  Her chest began to hurt even more.  So much for a heart attack sign, nothing like we have ever heard.   One never knows.   Her daughter insisted she go to the doctor and she did, then out the door to a plane ride over to Medford for surgery.  They got her in time.   Now she has to work at getting back on her feet.  So today remember those who are fighting to survive.  So many need your prayers and a good deed or two, like a visit , some kind words and some nice cold popsicles to help the medicine go down.

I am off to wake up and make my coffee, fix something to eat and put a piece in the puzzle while I wait for the coffee to brew.   I hope that you have a bright and beautiful day doing what you love to do best . . . work . . . work at work, work at having fun, work out in the garden, work even when the boss is not looking, work, work, work, because you can.  Busy hands, busy feet make your world complete.  Smile while you are working, it lightens the load.   Hugs to all.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Sunset in Connecticut . . . I wouldn't mind visiting Branford one more time.  

Yes, it is tuna canning time and my order is in.

The store over in Crescent City is huge;  one of the best exercise places in the area even with the crowds.   

You will have a positive mind if you follow this truism.

Judy's grandson Joseph wants to go for a swim, see he is testing the water. 

Joseph got a taste of real people food and thinks it is a good idea to have a little more.
He is growing so fast.   What a cutie.   Judy shares, so I get to be a great grandma. . . next he will be walking and talking and I'll get to brag all about him. 
Here it is hump day again;  seems to come around pretty fast.   Our weather stays cool, foggy and we have some rain coming our way which is a good thing as fires are raging in parts of Oregon and Washington.   I hope we are in for a soaking rain as the gardens could use a deluge, how else will those pesky weeds grow.   My new rose bush has three big yellow roses and the little azalea plant is sprouting a small red flower.  I hope it stays as I have not been able to keep an azalea plant in this back garden.  It probably needs more attention than the rhodys and a different feed to keep it growing.  Oh to be a master gardener,.

I am off to do some card shopping today.  That is always fun.    I remember going to a card store in the mall in Reno with my friend Tanie and we would stand there picking out cards with Maxine and her tarty sense  of humor.  We would pass the cards back and forth...'look at this one' ;   'here's a good one'   and soon we would be howling in laughter along with several customers who joined in.  The sales lady thought we should come more often as she always sold a lot of cards when we were there.  Of course Hallmark has gotten way out of hand in the pricing department.  Five dollars for a card seems a lot to me.    Not that you are not worth it, but my pocketbook doesn't like those fancy prices.   

I'm off to make my coffee and find something for breakfast . . . an egg Mac-muffin sounds good, or I can take the easy way out and have peanut butter toast.   Go, have  your breakfast and enjoy it.   Take time to do one good deed today.   If you have a chance to relax and watch a movie, Netflex has a great one called "The Big Wedding" with a cast of old actors and actresses that is hilarious.  Go, relax and catch up on your belly laughs.   Hugs to all.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Hints Again

A sign painted bright red might make it easier. 

I'll have to try this.   Just made a complaint to the telephone company about telemarketing calls and found out you have to register each year on the do not call list;  a change we had no heard about.  Something drastic should be done as I had my answering tape filled while I was away. 

Be smart and don't eat KFC chicken any way. 

Need a vacation spot  Howe Island in Australia only allows four hundred visitors a  year.  A blue lagoon, isn't that a beauty! 

A Peruvian desert  called Huacachina  with only one hundred people living there. Now that is a fantastic oasis.  I bet if you sent a couple of weeks there you would get to know everyone.

A truism

The good news is that daughter Christine has opened a special photo shop to forward my vacation pictures.  The bad news is she hasn't had time to add the pictures and instructions on how to use the program.   You may have to wait awhile longer.

We stayed at a cool fifty degrees yesterday and I did get the front bushes watered .   I got all of my assigned jobs done for a Monday and decided to make a chicken pot pie for dinner.  I had forgotten how much work goes into one.  I've made homemade baking powder biscuits for  years but yesterday I had to think twice before I got the batter all together.  They came out fine but for a minute or two I was not sure.  When you don't cook as often, or as much, your sense of pinch and cook expertise takes a back seat.    At least there are plenty of left overs for dinner tonight.

So go out into your kitchen and work up a batter of something good.  Take  your time and hum along with some good music and a glass of wine or whatever it is you like to sip as you cook.  Water is good, coffee isn't at all bad either.  Set  your table and add a flower or two from your garden.  If  you don't have a garden, pick up a small bouquet at the store when you go for that last item you forgot.   Invite family or friends to join you and have a catch up time.   Be gentle, be of good cheer so your smile radiates as you walk into a room.   Don't forget the hugs.    Hugs to all.