Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Bit of Politics

A young lady, Marlin Shark, of Staunton, Virginia took her camera for a walk in the park and discovered a rare albino ruby throated humming bird..   How lucky we are she shared.    

A little humor  this morning.    The penalty for being nosey.     

Voices from the Black Community.    

Here it is Wednesday, Hump Day, a day that says we have time to complete our chores before the weekend comes.    Time flies like the little albino hummingbird who flits from flower to flower without a thought to the passing seconds.  Once gone they can never be retrieved, so don't waste any.    Think of the word balance and start a campaign to balance your life.    Take time to live each second doing the things you love to do and make good things happen right where you are.  You set an example of good, bad or indifference with your thoughts, words and deeds, so, choose  to be a 'force' to be reckoned with and bring love, life and laughter into your seconds, today and every day.    Put a smile in your eyes, love in your heart and share one of those big bear hugs today.    Hugs to all.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


The flower pictures have been wonderful to share.   This is the last of them so I will have to go hunting for some more pictures of nature's gift to us.    My tulips have gone by the wayside, each little petal fell off and made a beautiful pile on the credenza.    I thought to put all of them into a dish but then they would turn brown and lose their colors and my smile would turn into a frown.    I wish flowers lasted longer once they are cut.  I guess I will have to go out and snip a few of the rhodys which are now in bloom.   I have some red and some purple ones that are lovely. 

As you know Bob and Andrea have built a new home and it is almost finished to their satisfaction.  This is the new automan designed by Andrea and built by Bob.  As Andrea said they have a table and a seat for extra guests.  They did a great job and look at the fireplace and the little alcoves.   Great taste and so lovely.    You guys do such good work.   Blessings in your new space, may you be happy ever after and entertain family and friends often. 

The faces of those with no moral values.    

Speaker John Behner did a bit of stage play this week when he accused the Republicans of finding their duty 'to hard'.  His whine was on television for all the world to see.    Sad to think that our representatives haven't got the courage of their own convictions.     Republican or Democrat they are shirking their duties and letting America go to hell in a hand basket.     

Such a wonderful character, such beauty and grace and fun.  Jennifer tops the list with her fancy furry ear muffs.     

words to live by. 
Here it is Tuesday already, time flies when you are busy.    I baby sat Emma yesterday while Pat was off for her checkup.  It is pretty bad when you have to drive all the way to Medford for a fifteen minute check with the doctor.    We have a new so called medical building here in Brookings but it seems to be useless.  Maybe the doctors just don't want to come to this town, and at the rate it is declining I don't blame them.    Pat tried the ride program and her driver was one who loved to tail gate and speed.  He didn't mind talking with his hands off the wheel and she all but kissed the ground when she arrived in her driveway.    Her foot is healing and the stitches come out next week.  Her next session is in June and it will be a bigger operation as it will require pins and metal inserts so she can continue to walk without pain.    Meanwhile Emma and I did a little weeding in the sunshine and then caught up on a few more chapters of "Heartland" on the Netflick.    So today is catch up day here at home.   My Monday chores are waiting.   Come to think of it, if the sun is out today, the chores can wait another day or two.   Sunshine is much more important after our rainy sessions.   So if you have sunshine today, get out there and enjoy it.   Try not to get a sunburn.  What is that old adage. . . something to do with time;  'to laugh, to cry, to get on with life. . ." so do it, with a smile on your face  from the laughter in your heart.    Hugs to all.

Monday, April 28, 2014


Wise words to follow.   A woman who gave her all and did not regret a second. 

No words, just a beautiful path way.   Wish my rocks looked like this. 

I have never seen a reflection of a rainbow;  beautiful isn't it? 

It should be a truism but is it?    Without faith and hope our lives become a huge void of love and trust.  

Here it is Monday all over again.  A new week, the end of April coming up and a brand new month heading our way.    We have had more than our share of April showers, so we are looking forward to lots and lots of May flowers.    I did get an hour in the garden this week so have a big black bag of dead limbs to get rid of today.   I forgot all about it so I will have to love you and leave out and go get the bag out front before the garbage truck comes by.      Duty calls.    Get busy and take care of some of your duties this morning and do it with a smile.   I'm working on it.  Hugs to all. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Lilacs.    One of the first signs of Spring.    How colorful and how wonderful they smell. 

You don't have to 'fall' all you have to do is find your way down to the lowest cupboard to clean it and find you can't spring back up so then you can decide if you want to crawl to a nearby chair to help yourself up or make good use of your 'down' time and finish cleaning a few other low cupboards.    I've put my low cupboards on my honey do list and will let someone else do that job. 

See, just what I've been saying.     Hugs . . . even the word sounds good.   Share a few today and find out just how much love you feel. 


This is not a cloud but an actual wave .   Shore Acres is a wonderful place to visit here in Oregon.

The wave action is tremendous.    It also has one of the most beautiful Christmas light shows and thousands flock to see it. 
Here it is Sunday already, the weekend all but gone.    Hopefully you will use your seconds wisely today.   Do something wonderful.    Only you know what that can be to make your day special.    It is a day for God, for Grace, for Good, get busy and make it a day to call your soul your own.     Don't forget it is much easier and much better when you grin from ear to ear;  hum a snappy tune and make your feet swing and sway.   Just make it a share day and enjoy.   Hugs to all.

Friday, April 25, 2014


The lovely surprise tulips came for an Easter gift from Jo and John.  A special hug.

They started to open slowly. 

Each day they opened a little bit more. 

Patricia brought me these lovely flowers that came wide awake and ready for the Easter table. 

These flowers had played a part of Easter for a good week, then decided that they had enough and were ready to go.  

Today, the tulips discovered sunshine and made a beautiful sight to see  

They absorbed the sunshine and called attention to how really beautiful they are.

Yes, flowers do light up a room.

Now take a ride over to the store or a nursery and purchase a special bouquet of your favorite flower.   Take them home, feed them, give them a drink and a special container, then sit back and watch them light up your room.

Hugs to all. 


Flowers just bring a room to life.    Right now I have beautiful tulips in the dining room,  They are beginning to open up and show their inner beauty.    inner beauty, we all have some of that to share, so start sharing. 

Angie's little Casio wants to know, "are we there yet?" 

The beautiful wolf takes time to smell the flowers. 

I had no idea snakes fished.     

Poor little guy all caught up in plastic.    Wish folks would learn to put their trash in the right bins.   So much damage is done because of carelessness. 

Another truism.   

Friday is here, hopefully we will see the sun today.    Pat is doing good.  She is not fond of the boot she has to wear for six weeks.   She would prefer her sneakers but that would not be the answer to keeping her ankles straight.    Soon it will be behind her and she will find walking a lot less painful.  isn't it strange that we do not appreciate our hands and feet until we cannot use them.   We find out in a hurry how really important they are.    Break a finger, or a toe and you know immediately how important one digit is and how useless you feel when you don't have control.    So go about carefully today, take good care of yourself.    Do a good deed and go and visit someone who has some down time and could use a boost of spirit.    Bring them a treat, stay and open a can for them or take time to watch a movie with them.   Company of a friend is one of life's blessings.  So go, be a blessing today.   Hugs to all. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014


The lovely cactus, all in bloom, reminding us that we do get a vacation every year. 

One of our many sea creatures enjoying a free trip around the ocean. 

This is a great picture of Lake Tahoe where I wouldn't mind having a vacation.

It has been raining all week and there is more coming so our winter weather finally arrived, late, but not unexpected as this year has been a strange one weather wise.    Soon the weather will change and I'll be grousing about summer dryness and water bills.    We can always find some thing to spend money on. Yesterday Pat and I watched a movie that you have to pay for, a first, maybe a last as the price quoted when they installed the new digital box was not the $4.95 they quoted but $5.95.  We got to see "Philomena"   and it was very well done.   It was nice to be able to sit in my comfortable chair and watch a current movie, although the pop corn was missing .   See, there is always something to grouse about.  So with that in mind, I am off to put on my coffee and wake up.

Go, have a wonderful day, rain or shine.  Don't forget one good deed today, share a hug or two and if you are in my neighborhood, I am baking that razzle dazzle pie today;  desert after a Lenten fast, bring some vanilla ice cream.  I'll share.    Hugs to all.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014


This beautiful plant must be part of the orchid family.   Dainty, colorful and prolific.   Reminds me of squawking gulls on the boardwalk at the Port.  Well, they are beautiful too.

A sad tale of a bull fighter who felt sad and sorry for this helpless bull who refused to fight him.  He went on to retire and has spent time trying to stop the killing of bulls.    Let us hope he is successful as bull fighting is not on the top of my list of games fun to watch.   


This fellow seems stranded on the ice flow.    Hope someone rescues him, or he finds his way to land.

while this bob cat seems to have found safe haven from  the hunting dogs.  Talk about being 'treed'. 

Here is Angie's illusive bunny.  she has been trying to find him to take his picture but he had disappeared.  She thought him long lost until she went out the door and there he was.  Lucky for us she had her camera at the ready.  

Here it is, another hump day, which comes around every week to remind us that it is mid week and time to get things done so you can enjoy the weekend.    Of course the weekend may be destined for bigger and better jobs.    I had the window man come by yesterday and because of the threatened rain he was not sure he should start exchanging the leaky glass.  I talked him into starting and he got four of the windows done when it started to sprinkle and he left to come back and finish another day when it is clear.   He left and ten minutes later the sun was out and it stayed but he did not return.   Today is to be a rainy day so now it will be another postponement until the sun decides to stay out for a day or two.   I hope the office girl gives me a call as to when he will come back.   Hopefully before the spring has sprung and summer gets here.  I want those new screens in and the cross breeze keeping me cool.

Pat is coming along fine.    She is following the doctor's orders and trying not to be impatient.   She tells me she will come visit me if I promise not to fuss over her . . .like telling a bee not to go near a flower.   I had a lovely surprise yesterday when a beautiful bouquet of tulips was delivered.   Jo and John sent them to me, a lovely surprise and a special hug.   How lucky I am.    They look lovely in their vase and are beginning to open.   Pat gave me a beautiful plant, a special 'Gerber' lily, I think it is called, very colorful and bright and can be planted in the garden later.   So right now my house looks colorful and bright with real flowers in every spot.  I have the calla lilies from the side garden in a big beautiful tall red vase.  They look like Easter.   I have the Christmas poinsettia in full bloom, all new flowers and leaves. It just doesn't want to go away.   The new tulips and the lilies have a way to go to open up so I am well 'flowered' and it makes a house a home.   So go and invest in a bouquet for your favorite spot, sit back and let the beauty of nature take over.  It is amazing how relaxed and good you feel when beauty surrounds you.   Reminds me of the song..."if I were a rich man,"   I would send each of you a bouquet.    Spend your seconds wisely, be good, be kind, be gently and fall in love with life today.   Hugs to all.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Now this is different and beautiful.    I'd like to have some of these in my garden. 

Ooh, a tasty treat. 

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.   Nature at its artistic best.. 

Good question.  anyone have an answer?

Wow, the fish is almost as big as the gull.  Looks like it has a big appetite.

Here it is the 22nd and I have some window folks coming today to replace some glass and screens.   I was over at Pat's for the last two days and baby sat Emma while Pat had her foot operated on.   She did fine and has a boot the size of a huge box, to the tune of three hundred dollars for this boot, she tells me..   I am glad she is doing so well and hopefully will heal quickly and be able to walk without pain.   This is the first of three operations that she hopes will keep her walking.   Pat is amazing and is up and ready to do for herself.  Independent of spirit and stubborn as a mule as we had an argument about her driving me home;  no way, too soon, and I had my first taxi ride here in Brookings.  A lovely lady driver who gave me a deal on my mile ride home.  All in all, it will now take time for the healing process and hopefully a quick recovery.    Jock took Emma home with him to keep her exercised and happy.  How much she loves him and his two dogs.  She is at home with him and loves swimming in the lake.    So cross your fingers, say a prayer and send Pat a Facebook message to keep her in good spirits.    Send her a verbal hug or two.   Meanwhile enjoy today.   Be good, be kind and be YOU.  Hugs to all. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Monday

Good morning.    I hope your Easter was celebrated in style and you are ready for a new week with lots of love and laughter.    Pat set the computer up so I could use it, but so  I have started this blog three times and keep losing words, space and patience.

I am going to go and have my coffee and will be back when  I get to my own computer and can tell you all the news.

Be good, be kind, be patient.  I'm working on it.    Love and Hugs.  Jean

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Morning

HE has risen and the purple changes to white; beauty in everything that surrounds us and all we have to do is look and enjoy.    

Jennifer in her Easter Bonnet . .  She should have been an actress.  such talent , such fun and happiness follows her footsteps every day. 

I hope your Easter eggs are as colorful and you enjoy the egg salad sandwiches for the rest of the week. 

Sheila was busy baking and this bunny is going to an Easter buffet today.  I'd like to be there to enjoy all those luscious goodies on the table..

Happy Easter.  May your day be bright and beautiful just like YOU!
Hugs to all. 
My Easter Poem: "The time has come at last/to give up the Lenten fast/this week is holy/filled with awesome sights/the blessing of holy water/the Pascal candle to light/the purple colors of the penitent/changes to glorious white/for HE has risen/our favorite acolyte.
The dove of peace/serenity/the air is filled with song/choirs/organs/church bells ring/for HE has come along.
The children are dressed/in frocks of organdy/Mary Jane's upon their feet/Easter hats with flowers/gloves and purses that are neat/long pants/and ties/dressed up little me/waiting to slide down/and show their knees again.
Colored eggs and chocolate bunnies/hide out in the grass/and soon the air is filled with children knowing how to laugh.
Easter ham/escalloped potatoes/baskets filled with chocolate/tied with ribbons true/jelly beans/candy eggs/a treat for me and you.