Monday, November 17, 2014

What's new?

Angie went fishing again.    I didn't hear if she caught anything though.   All I did hear was that she had fun in the sun and worked hard to try and catch a ling.   Check Angie out on Facebook as she has a little video of her dog Queso meeting her grand nephew , a little tiny guy who was up to the task. 

I wonder why it takes one so long to learn that lesson.    You are the only one who can walk your own path.  It is always nice to know you have family and friends in the background with love and hugs to spur you on....but, only you can walk your own path and choose the life you are satisfied with.  

ah those word problems;   mysteries. 

A new week starting, getting closer to Thanksgiving and decisions on when to shop, what to buy, how many are coming, who is bringing what  and is all the best dishes ready or do they need washing since you haven't used the good china for a year.   Time to make the list , baking items first , size of turkey second, what vegetables other than Hubbard squash which is now selling over two dollars a pound.   I guess we will go back to Bell squash, it is tasty enough.   Cranberry sauce vacillates between two for five dollars or a dollar and forty nine cents and it  'used' to be eighty nine cents. I know, you are sick and tired of my finding fault with prices, but I really don't like to be feeding into the greed that exists in our world.    It just is not 'fair' for some folks to make millions of dollars, like the athlete playing a game he loves,and a hard working man can't make enough to feed his family. A little injustice in life.    So that leads the mind set on hoping the athlete will help fill those little red kettles around town this holiday season and that hard working man will be in line for some food to feed his family.   I'd really like it better if the jobs were available and the poor man could get one and a decent wage and be strong and independent in his own right.    I can't think of a soul who likes to beg, borrow or steal when he can 'fend' for himself and stand tall.  All this rhetoric because of the raised prices of those that have against those who have not .    The managers probably go home with free food, the clerks with a rake off of a few cents and we the consumers pick up the tab for it all.   My, what would I do without my 'soap-box'. . . I hope you never find out.     SO. . . a good deed today and one every day as you fight the fight to live and let live.    Be kind, be gentle, be a person everyone looks up to.   Find reasons to share and care and keep some loose change in your pocket for those little red buckets outside the stores this holiday season.   It is good to be generous!  Hugs to all.

Sunday, November 16, 2014


Of course there is . . . all we have to do is think about it;  look for it;  and be grateful that we have so  much to be thankful for.

A truism.    It is okay to acknowledge an actor who brought so much laughter and life to the screen and entertained u s over the ears... but, our soldiers give so much more and they deserve to be acknowledged and honored by each and everyone of us.  So light a candle for those who gave their lives;  others who gave their sight and limbs;  and those who retain the horrors of war within their minds.   Donating to the  Paralyzed Veterans or the Wounded Warriors doesn't seem to be much of a burden for us to participate in.   The VA should be doing a bigger and better job of caring for our veterans, and if we are sending more young men into harms way we should free them to do their job.   

I may have shown this picture before but it popped up again and is much to beautiful not to admire one more time.   This time it has a caption about 'snow in Oregon' ;  getting ready for the ski season and what better way to show a snowy mountain side.

So get out your skies , sleds, inner-tubes, heavy duty clothing and don't forget the mittens and plan a ski trip or two up into the mountains.    I wonder how they are doing in Nevada.   I hope the snow pack is a good one this  year.   

My trip over to the high school for the Christmas bazaar  was all I expected it to be.  The room was very warm, no air, and crowded both with lookers, some buyers,  and some booths had cards to hand out so you could order and they would do the work of delivering;  a good idea as it really saves time and money and energy in the long run.    There was one called "OtterBee's" Farm and Fungi and they had samples of  dried fruits dipped in chocolate that was very delicious.  They had packages of mixes for soups and other dishes.   Another was the Light House which had jars of jams and relishes and sauces that looked inviting.  Both on the internet so if you are looking for something a bit different , check it out.   I got in my walking exercise as there are two buildings to go through and when I came out to meet Pat at the car, I took a wrong turn and found myself in the back parking lot with a fence you couldn't open or climb to reach the front sidewalk, so, I had to walk all the way back around the building to the get to the street side.  We had parked across the street at the Church sale and walked over.  I had a chance to count my blessings as it was not raining.   So . . . go, count your blessings and enjoy the sights and sounds of  your holiday bazaars.    You will be sure to meet someone you haven't seen in awhile and you can get in a bear hug or two.   Hugs to all.

Saturday, November 15, 2014


Hard to imagine that the Huge Harley David Company started out in this little cracker box.   Baby, look at them now!!

This is Mt . Rushmore before the faces were sculptured.   Someone had a good eye and knew just where to build a fabulous monument .

Reminds me of the day my son was showing me how to use the computer and told me to concentrate on  the screen and follow the words on it.  I wanted to be smart, bright and intelligent  and when he said "now hit the 'enter' key" which I couldn't find on the screen . . . he reached over and hit the key on the keyboard . . . I felt  so dumb . . . but it wasn't on the screen . . . how was I to know.   I know where it is now as well as the on and off button.   Now if I could get the computer to cooperate and not do such strange things we might  get along a little better.   Oh to be computer literate!!

I was sent an attachment of wonderful pictures of Iceland.  I put them into the picture library so I could put them on the blog but the computer change has created a problem we have not found an answer to as yet .   The picture comes up in the library as a brightly colored circle;  it doesn't convert back into a picture for me to show you.   Once in awhile one will open and I have no clue.   Just another bump in the computer lane.  Hope my expert can fix it, long distance.

The weekend is here to enjoy.   The weather is iffy but that is no    The Christmas bazaars are at the school today.  Pat and I will probably go take a peek and see if there is some new artisans at work.   It is never to early to look.

Go, find a bazaar or two in your neck of the woods.    We do have to support our community.   Don't forget the good deed of the day;  make it two today .    If you see someone with a 'hang-dog' look, go over and give them a walk in hug and let them know the end of the world is not here.   It is a new weekend to spend your seconds as you like . . . make them all worth wild.    Those three little words make our world go around and around....."I love you." and I do!!   Hugs to all.

Friday, November 14, 2014


A truism.   Yep, the book sale yesterday at the library and all of the books were set u in big boxes;  no taking them out and placing them on the shelves and counters to be put  back when the sale is over.  Smart folks.  Worked great and for someone down sizing with three boxes of books waiting to be put in a  yard sale, I did good, I only bought five.   I found a second book of Ken Follet's  "Pillars of the Earth".  I didn't know, or hear, that a second book had been written on this eleventh century history.  And, of course, I couldn't leave Clive Cussler's  books behind.   He is a fantastic adventure story teller.  So I am all set for m winter reads.

An unusual colorful bird, a lovely picture to look at on a cold winter day .

and he is visiting China, wonder if he has extended an invitation to a few million Chinese folks to replace those who didn't get out and vote Democrat in the mid election.  

The coffee is brewing , almost ready so I can wake up and start my day.   Time flew by quickly this week.  I had a chance to visit a few of the  small stores in town and am amazed that they are already set for the Christmas rush.   Bi-Mart has aisles of every conceivable gadget you can think of, aisles of candy of all kinds that would make Halloween candy look small in comparison.   Why so much candy?   A box of chocolates is quite pricey this year.    They did have cranberry sauce on sale. I remember when it only cost eighty-nine cents;  we've come a long way from two digit pricing.    The Bird Store has some interesting garden art and some jewelry made by a local artist that is very well done.   Granddaughter Erin is having a birthday this month so it was easy to find something special for her.   We took time out for some chowder at the Hungry Clam then rode around to see a very busy ocean as the wind was picking up.   The seagulls were surrounding a woman in a car .  I guess she had decided to feed them and they were waiting .  The pelicans were not there.   They had flown in last week and were perched on their favorite rock in the river area.   Soon the whales will be going by and we will go whale watching in hopes of sighting some.   A busy time of year for all of us.   Take some seconds out and give your mind and body a rest.   Take time out and  visit some of  your favorite spots.    A little rest and relaxation will give  you the stamina to  make this coming holiday season merry and bright.    It starts in your four walls and spreads with all your good deeds, your smiles, your hugs and your wiliness to share YOU with those you love and like.  Go, Be wonderful!  Hugs to all. 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Oh Dear!!

I need a couple of grand kids around to show me the ropes.    I learn, every day, how little I do know about computers.   

I have a picture in  my photographs of my grandson in a similar pose.  His mother was standing by a wall mirror and holding him in her arms and he was looking at himself in the mirror wondering who that little guy was.   Babies are such miracles.

A truism.

A good thought . . 'when you are full of bull, keep your mouth shut',   Some folks never do, look at me, I rave on every morning and smile as You are a captive audience but with a choice of shutting me down at your leisure.  Wouldn't it be good if we could do that when someone gets on their soapbox and raves on and on about purely poor me thoughts.  I try to be a good listener but there are times when repeats become boring not only to  the listener but the talker.   The best thing and the hardest thing to do is to  face up to a problem.  The best solution is to face up to it and resolve it but we seem to think hiding from the truth will help make it go away . . . we know it wont.   We know we eventually have to resolve it painful or not.  Festering comes to mind, ignore a problem and it festers and grows and  sometimes creates a loss that is never retrieved.  So today face up t o a problem big or small.   Chop it down to size and get rid of it.   Hold out that hand in love and friendship .  On the other hand, today is a good day to start with a good deed,  cotton in y our ears and a big smile on your face.   Nod, once in awhile.  Hugs to all.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Crab Pots . . . I'd like to have one of those filled to the brim and have someone  hand me a bowl filled with succulent crab meat....oh my what a treat that would be.   

An idea for next  gardening season.   I'd like some beds like that but much higher as once I got down to plant the seeds I would not be able to get back up again.    Smile!!! 

A truism for sure.    I remember being told to 'mind my tongue' and I did, and I am still 'running off at the mouth.'

A terrific picture of Mike Amacher and one of the horses.    The horse is a beauty.  He is a handsome man.  I really like that vest.  

I've been singing this tune since I bought Halloween candy I like and no one showed up to take it away.    Snickers and frozen Milky Ways....still have a taste that make the taste buds stand up and be counted.   Sad that the 'good stuff' is fattening, if only one tiny piece would satisfy . . . but. . . one leads to two and three inch in the waist line.

It is Hump Day, seems to get here faster every week.   I had a Skype visit with daughter Christine this morning and that is always fun.   She keeps very busy with her at home job and her Woman of the Year duties all around town.   She covered for a lady yesterday who was down with a 'bug' and took a troop of  boy scouts through the Gallery.   I bet they enjoyed that and probably a treat or two with the visit.   I always thought she would make a terrific teacher as she was and is a no nonsense gal.  The children would learn, that is for sure.   She chose a different path and is successful and is content .

Meanwhile, daughter Pat just popped in with the newspaper.  We get the newspaper twice a week.  she is baby sitting two dogs and has her own Emma and put all three in the car for a treat. So if  you see three doggy noses out a car window you will know who is out there sight seeing.   They are used to walking out every morning and with Jock off  hunting in the big storm country of  Wyoming , they are not getting their usual exercise.   The sad news is that Pat has been dropped from the program she was on and put back on Medicare.    It means a very hard road for her to walk.   It is Obama-care in action.   How the powers that be can bring in thousands of  illegals to fill the roles and deplete the system is beyond me.    We have thousands who through no fault of their own have  a degenerative disease that is slowly taking their life away and they are being shunted and dropped of  the only means of support.   Fair is hardly a word . . . unjust is a better fitting one.   I wrote to our Congressman,  did I get an answer....NO!!  Will I. . . NO. . . what I will get is an office friendly letter about some subject I could care less about.   Politics in action.

So today, I pray for patience.   Today I hope that you have patience.    Mid week, time to take stalk in what you have to complete in your 'laundry-list'  and get it done.    Don't forget to check with the Post Office and see if the Christmas stamps are out .  Last I heard they were on order.    Don't forget to look for a Hostess Gift if you are invited out for Thanksgiving dinner.    I found a very good Merlot, a California wine called "Twisted".  It received thirty gold medals.   A really good choice if you like a red wine.    Speaking of wine.  I made four wine cakes  yesterday so am including the recipe in case you want to make one for a Hostess gift.


Delicious, delightful and extra special served warm with champagne .  Try it you may find you like it.

Go . . . be good, be kind, be generous, be loving and don't forget  to smile with your eyes and pass out a bear hug or two.  Hugs to all.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

English Castles


Think Robin Hood liked this glen. 



This is Averbur Stone Circle founded in 2850 BC , much like Stonehenge but not as famous.   These seem to have more shape.   

The Beatrice Potter  Shop.  Wish I had known about this area when I visited London.

Another street I wished I knew about.   This one has a pub named after Thomas Beckett who was murdered by King Henry the  Eight .  A sad tale.  I just  read about it in the Ken Follett's book "Pillars of the Earth" ;  if you haven't read it, do . . . it is quite a history.

The computer has been 'blessed' several times this morning as it is not sure it wants to connect to the internet.  After shutting down and retrying it finally  let me in or should I say out.    Not a great way to start the day, but patience is a virtue.   I hope  you are all patient when it comes to the 'confuser' as one of my friends calls his computer.    I guess the answer to all of the computer problems is to chuck the old and buy new and it should not be like that.  We should be able to purchase a computer that is built to last  but the new thinking is to buy, buy, buy with each change that is made.    See, I may be patient , but I stand by my rights to roar and bellow about the injustice in our world.  Whatever happened to pride in making everything the best it can be so it will last as long as you are content with the product . . . aha, made in China, I should have known.

We have smoke in our town, really  unhealthy as some outfit is burning  piles of  forest debris and it is to go on for at least a week.    It mixes in with the morning fog  but has a smell and it does create breathing problems for some.   It seems to hover over the southern part of our little town  but a bit of wind can change that in a hurry.  So getting upset doesn't do much but a nice ride out of town to Gold Beach may set the mood for a lovely ride and a stop at some old haunts.    Lunch at the Bistro would be nice.   The little spark of sunshine in a smokey world.

The Marine Corp celebrated 239  years of existence.  All four Sullivan men were Marines and proud of it.    Today we celebrate Armistices Day, the ending of World War I.   So be sure you put out your flag and let our veterans know how much we care about them.    There are not many  veterans left from World War II, all getting up there in age, but those that are up and moving are the first  ones to stand and salute when our flag goes by.    Don't forget the Viet Nam vets;  those that went over for Desert Storm, and those who have been giving their all over the past ten years in towns we have never heard of in Iran and Afghanistan..   Remember to light a candle for those who gave their lives and for the families that are left behind.   

There is a quote from "The Crowns of God, a novel by Morris West which I like to read as it gives a tiny bit of  peace of mind when it comes to  accepting the loss of love ones.    " . . . My dear brothers and sisters, my little children, we all fear death, we shrink from the suffering which may precede it.  We quail from the mystery of the last  leap, which we must all make, into eternity.   But we are followers of the Lord, the Son of God who suffered and died in human flesh.  We are the inheritors of the good news which he left  with us that death is the gateway to life, that it is leap, not into darkness, but into the hands of Everlasting Mercy.  It is an act of trust, an act of love, by which, as lovers do, we abandon our selves to, become one with, the Beloved. "

Don't forget to 'Go with God', do your good deed for today, be good, be kind, be gentle, be patient . . . it takes work, so work hard.    Hugs to all.

Monday, November 10, 2014


That would be our Emma.  She loves to go hunting with Jock and his dogs and she is quite the retriever.  She enjoys swimming in the lakes and the freedom to wonder around.  

It is Monday all day and I already have a computer problem.   Nope, you don't want to hear all about it.   Hopefully, one of these days, it will get back to normal.   Sixteen ad on computer changes, I didn't ask for, threw the machine into a maze of uncertainty and I am not computer literate so it means problems to just try to get anything done.  The change has created bright circles when I try to take a picture and add it to the blog.   I finally got this one to come up.  So I am not going to burden you with complaints.  I am going to ask son John to rescue me one more time.   Google is telling me some one in Tel Aviv has hacked int my machine....I hope Norton caught up with it.    There has been a lot of activity lately.    Wish the hackers would get  something better to do with their time.   

So I'll be back when things are 'fixed' , so mind your manners, stay healthy and happy and watch out for the hackers.

Be good, be kind, be gentle and love one another .   Hug to all.

Sunday, November 9, 2014


One of those photographs where you can find all kinds of things if you study it long enough and use your imagination.I see a spider web, a butterfly, a big snake and a fat mouse.

Interesting days ahead.   Keep a watchful eye and ear.  

Yesterday was a fun day.  I had visitors.    My neighbor Joseph is a Seventh Day Adventist and he knocks on my door once a month on a Saturday morning, bringing a friend with him.   This time it was William who was the chief of our local Indians, a warm and caring man and so easy to like.   Its the smiling eyes, they get you every time.    A little later, Mary, Joe's wife, came over to check on the new puzzle on the table.  She's a good puzzle maker and seems to know just where those pieces are.    La Verne came in and joined us and tried to find some pieces but forgot her glasses so was having troubles  making the pieces match.    The puzzle is difficult at most as it seems to have a fitted piece only to find it really doesn't fit after all.   Once the piece is in you need a derrick to remove it.    It has a lot of dark area so I'll need all the help I can get.   Stop in, I'll let you out after you find ten pieces.

Pat came over with some salmon to cook up  so we marinated it for a bit, the put in a sweet potato to bake.   I didn't wrap it in foil, as I should have, so it leaked all over the oven floor.    Later,  when I  put the salmon in later to broil,  smoke billowed out of the oven and the fire detector made loud noises.  We rushed around opening doors and windows so the smoke was gone before it had a chance to fill the house.    No food was spoiled and we had our delicious dinner .   So now I believe in that old adage of things happen in threes.   First my neighbor Alice locked her oven  by mistake and could have had a nasty fire but breaking the circuit shut the electricity off and all was well in the end.   Then La Verne left a pot on her stove and forgot it and had lots of smoke damage which has taken a week to clean up by professionals.   Then last night my potato fiasco .    So the moral of the story is to be careful and pay attention to what you are doing in the kitchen these day s.  With the holidays coming up we will be spending more time in the kitchen baking and cooking.   So pay attention and don't turn your back on the stove.   
It is shopping day so I am off to the grocery store.    What to have, what to have. . .  for meals this week . . . I'll figure it out when I get there.     So happy shopping day if you go today.   Choose wisely and healthy.   Don't forget to smile at the clerks, they work very hard and put up with some crotchety folks along the way.    It really isn't their fault the prices are so high.    It shouldn't take long as we don't have to read labels as the law didn't pass this past election to let us know what is in our foods.   We take our chances and hope we survive the 'gmo' tactics.  Something to think about.  Right now I am curious as to why  the print size changed...I didn't do it.    I still have the complain to Google tab on the right of the computer...wonder if I should go not, I might lose the ability to get back to the starting point.    Go, make your  Sunday worthwhile...good deeds, bend the knees, grin a lot and don't forget a bear hug or two.    Hugs to all.

Saturday, November 8, 2014


Wonder when our st ores will come up with this one....just  walk around, check out what you want , touch the screen and when you get up tot he register it will be there waiting for you.  Can't even imagine how this will work.

What the new car panels will look like.    

The latest gadget replaces all of the above.     Wow!   Technology on the rise.

The weekend is here and it cant come soon enough for some folks.    I have a little pop up on the right  corner of my screen that tells me t o "Complain to Google"  wish I knew why. . . I can probably think of a few reasons.

Well we made it to the new Goodwill Store here in Brookings, and I have to tell you those that beckoned them into our town should be ashamed of themselves.   They have taken over the Pharmacy store which had such class and filled it with every conceivable piece of junk they could find from all of their stores and it looks like a huge junk shop.  the books they get for free are priced at five dollars and up for the hard backs.  I didn't check on the paperbacks.   I couldn't get out of there fast enough.   It is unfair competition to the 'doggy thrift store' and  I hope the town folks realize it.  

There is no doubt Christmas is coming as one house has their lights up and on already.   Rushing the season, I'd say .   The stores are at the ready and we went to the "Bird Store" where the yard art is interesting and pricey.   A lot has been done with rocks and shells making them into tiny creatures to put in or around the garden.   The copper water drains are interesting and clever but so is the price.   They are selling jewelry made by a local artisan  and have a new 'antique' corner.   So it really was a looking expedition and I came home with one hard back book to read  which I found at the Star of the Sea thrift shop.   

So, go, poke around your town and see what is out there, new, old, or maybe you are lucky enough to have a mall.   You know the drill,  make a list, check it twice and remember who is naughty and nice.   Remember to keep your wits about you and not overdo.   You have plenty of time so remember to keep Christ in Christmas and you will be much happier. BUT, take time to enjoy Thanksgiving .  Save a few pennies for the needy, call a friend today and check up on them.  Don't forget the Food Bank is going to need a lot of help this year.   Check your pantry and see what you have to donate.   Be magnanimous.   Hugs to all.

Friday, November 7, 2014

We Woke Up.

A truism.     When you get  to be a senior it becomes a day to day proposition.  So we know when we wake up and move that we have a new day to  celebrate.   We do every second of it.

I like this picture.   The map of America turned bright red . . . now if the news is out and we have spoken , both parties should put their shoulder to the problems and solve them one by one until we have our feet on the ground and our shoulders to the wheel;  just like the picture indicates.    We have work to do, so do not blink.  Keep a watchful eye on what is going on in Washington, D.C. as the future of our children and grandchildren is at  stake.    A budget is necessary and needed.   Big spending needs to shrivel and jobs need to come about so keep an eye open and we need to know who is going to show up as a strong and forceful leader.   Don't fall asleep at the attention.

Meanwhile, I hope you woke up to a bright and beautiful day, or even a colder and rainy day wouldn't be all bad, just so you spend your seconds doing all of the things  you have to do, want to do, and then have some fun .  There is a new puzzle on the table this morning and it is going to be a' doozy'.   If you are in my  neighborhood, stop in, I like helpers, just know you have to place the pieces back where you got them.   Yep, I'm organized . . .makes everyone crazy. 

They had opening day at the new Good Will store yesterday so maybe I'll get over there today and see what they have done with the old pharmacy.    My couch deal has fallen by the wayside twice now so maybe I'll see if they will come and get it.   It is a beauty and has a bed in it and the mattress is still in the original plastic, never been abused.   Some one will put it to good use.   Down sizing is a slow process.   You choose a piece to depart with and then look at it closely and tell yourself it is much to nice to do away with.   Of course, you wouldn't have bought it in the first place if you didn't 'love' it, or it was a gift from someone special and you treasure it. . . I am beginning to realize why folks don't bother to downsize and leave the choices to someone else in the family, someone not attached to every item.   But, I really am more realistic than that and I have already done away with a lot of dust collectors, books, and a few borrowed pictures have been returned.   So off I go to have my coffee and check around and see what I can do away with today.   Before I go, gather round and get your singing voice in order as I think Andrea is having a birthday I right?   I hope so . . . HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO  YOU.   HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR ANDREA, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.  I HOPE YOUR DAY IS FILLED WITH SMALL MIRACLES.    

Hugs to all.


Thursday, November 6, 2014


Remember what these are....erasers . . . you can make a mistake, erase it , and brush  away the errors.  

Think of the fun of making that kind of cash work  in helping our wounded warriors or our poor folks waiting for the economy to change.   It is going to be interesting to see what the newly elected are going to do about bringing back America to it s rightful position in our world.   If we have accepted the down trodden for centuries and made our soil the place everyone wants to be then know it takes our good mixture to make it work.   

Poor Me . . . Nobody loves me!!  And he wonders why.

The folks got out and voted.  They put their trust into the Republicans to show what they can do to truly bring hope and change back to America.   They have a chance to show what they can do.   They better take the right steps as 2016 is around the corner so if they want to keep their jobs, they better work hard .  They  have much to do, and so do we as we keep watch over their efforts.   We need to keep apprised to all of the happenings and events ongoing these next two years.   We need to be alert and stand up and ' yell'  if they slack off.    We put them in there, now let us make sure they earn their pay check.  

Be alert, be wise, be good and kind and gentle but as Teddy Roosevelt said . . . "carry a big stick"  and as you have seen your vote is a really big stick.    Don' forget your good deed for today.    Hugs to all.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


One of the sights we see when Fall comes in with all its raving beauty.   

She is off and running. . . running off at the mouth!!

I haven't heard the news as yet  this morning, so have no idea how the election came out  yesterday . . . hopefully everyone got out and voted . . . voted to make it a bit more difficult for 'the king' to rule all by himself.

Hey Paula, this is what the finished product looks like.  You will say my name more than once this winter when you  are looking for that one piece that you swear is missing.  It really is a fun one.    Don't give up and no getting

Hump Day, colder and maybe a little more rain today.  Yesterday, while shopping for some groceries, I discovered Tuesday is senior day and there is a tiny savings;  every penny counts.  I also discovered that the produce was just in and the clerk was filling the bin with good looking tomatoes and cucumbers.  I bought some and found both were delicious, so the name of the game is to go when they are filling the bins with new produce.   I know it takes a while to truck in, then to fill the bins, so the trick to  getting  something eatable is to go to the store when they get it in....not several days later when it starts to turn.  No more once a week shopping, it doesn't pay .  The trick is to plan a couple of meals and buy fresh.    I think the trick is to become aware that when the produce is marked down it is on its way out.  The meat counter was a walk bye;  the prices are outrageous , even the small turkey breast is a king's ransom.     So there was nothing wrong with left over spaghetti last night, in fact the flavor was even better the second time around.   Of course the Merlot didn't do any harm, and helped the taste buds.  

So take time out to find out when your store gets their produce in and then shop.  It is time to start thinking of soups and stews.  Maybe a lasagna would be a nice change.  It is the weather for baking, so maybe I'll make some cookies as the cookie jar is empty.   Molasses Crinkles are tasty or maybe the filled mince meat cookies would be a good choice.   I'm making me hungry so off I go to fix blueberry pancakes, and have my coffee so I can wake up.    So join me  and make some for you.  I'm going to go check on the news and see how the voting came out.   Be good, be kind, be gentle and help someone 'up' today.   Hugs to all.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Who is Who!!

Aunty Dee and the ladies up at the Tea Room.   You can see a few of the tea pots behind them;  just think those shelves go all around the room and each one is filled to the brim.  Dee tells me they come  down twice a year to be washed by hand.  I wonder if I should volunteer;  um. . . better not, I'm dropping pretty things all the time.

A old friend who looks pretty good for a man of ninety.   A man of words, kind and loving.
A friend of fifty years, A poet.   A World War II veteran who parachuted out of the skies in France as the enemy shot them as they floated down.    A lucky survivor, a man or honor and integrity.   A good man to know and love.
Former President George W. Bush has never been to busy to keep in touch with the wounded warriors.    He invites a few to his ranch ten weekends every year all expenses paid.   

Coming up . . . Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.    I always wanted to take my children to New York and let them enjoy t hose huge balloons, but the price was never right . . .sigh.

I hope Hillary Clinton does not run.   I think she has done more than her share in a life time without much success.

Tuesday, all day, the weather is getting colder and the furnace is kicking on more.   Pat and I took La Verne out for an early birthday dinner.  She loves Prime Rib and we tried to go to the Ship and Shore restaurant but they now only serve it on Fridays and Saturdays.  The big 'deal' is over so the price is back up.   We went to the Monday night Prime Rib dinner at the casino and the price did go up but they served it in a much nicer fashion.  You have access to the soup and salad while you wait for your cut of meat and whatever potato you choose, free beverage and a lovely chocolate pudding to finish off your meal.  It was much better this time and we enjoyed reminding La Verne of her new birthday number.   Seventy-five and alive;  can't beat that.  We had changed the clocks back so darkness came much faster.  Riding home in the dark with car lights high, some folks just don't want to dim their lights and they wonder why they get a finger salute. . . too bad they can't see

Granddaughter Erin has landed a temporary teaching job at a school for the deaf .  Someone noticed her resume and they called and set  up a telephone interview and are working with her to fill in until they can hire a full time teacher.  She is working on getting a teaching certificate of her own.    I am betting she fits in so well that they will help her get her certificate.  She has the experience and a fantastic resume behind her.   The school is in Salinas, California, so we are all waiting to hear what it is like.    Yesterday was her first full day.  It will be interesting to see how this all plays out as there is wedding talk this year, and Donaleo is going to finish up his classes in Hawaii and wants her there.  Decisions, decisions, 

So when you are making  your decisions as to what you want to do today, be kind, be gentle, be smart.  Give a helping hand to those in need.    Pray for those wounded warriors, they shouldn't have to beg for help.   It should be there for them.  Remember not to frown as it causes wrinkles you cannot get rid of.    You use less muscles when you smile and it lights up your world and all those around you.    Hugs to all.


Monday, November 3, 2014


A street in Venice

A street in France 

How about a vacation to this spot in Australia?

A canal in Amsterdam.

This is known as the door to hell;  nope, I do not want to visit here, much to easy to fall into.

Crotia.   The very first lady friend I made here in Brookings came from Crotia and she used to swim in this sea.   
Places to visit while I try and have computer problems fixed.

Oh to be computer literate.

Oh to be able to calm the monster within as it wants to laze about and not blog today.

Not me...I'm ready willing and able.....just not computer smart.   Oh well, what can I say...GO!!  Have a great day and spend your seconds wisely.    Hugs t o all