Wednesday, November 5, 2014


One of the sights we see when Fall comes in with all its raving beauty.   

She is off and running. . . running off at the mouth!!

I haven't heard the news as yet  this morning, so have no idea how the election came out  yesterday . . . hopefully everyone got out and voted . . . voted to make it a bit more difficult for 'the king' to rule all by himself.

Hey Paula, this is what the finished product looks like.  You will say my name more than once this winter when you  are looking for that one piece that you swear is missing.  It really is a fun one.    Don't give up and no getting

Hump Day, colder and maybe a little more rain today.  Yesterday, while shopping for some groceries, I discovered Tuesday is senior day and there is a tiny savings;  every penny counts.  I also discovered that the produce was just in and the clerk was filling the bin with good looking tomatoes and cucumbers.  I bought some and found both were delicious, so the name of the game is to go when they are filling the bins with new produce.   I know it takes a while to truck in, then to fill the bins, so the trick to  getting  something eatable is to go to the store when they get it in....not several days later when it starts to turn.  No more once a week shopping, it doesn't pay .  The trick is to plan a couple of meals and buy fresh.    I think the trick is to become aware that when the produce is marked down it is on its way out.  The meat counter was a walk bye;  the prices are outrageous , even the small turkey breast is a king's ransom.     So there was nothing wrong with left over spaghetti last night, in fact the flavor was even better the second time around.   Of course the Merlot didn't do any harm, and helped the taste buds.  

So take time out to find out when your store gets their produce in and then shop.  It is time to start thinking of soups and stews.  Maybe a lasagna would be a nice change.  It is the weather for baking, so maybe I'll make some cookies as the cookie jar is empty.   Molasses Crinkles are tasty or maybe the filled mince meat cookies would be a good choice.   I'm making me hungry so off I go to fix blueberry pancakes, and have my coffee so I can wake up.    So join me  and make some for you.  I'm going to go check on the news and see how the voting came out.   Be good, be kind, be gentle and help someone 'up' today.   Hugs to all.

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