I haven't seen any Democratic bumper stickers to offer an 'offset' to these and doubt if I will as they have no recourse with the truths that are on going in the USA today. Just keep a heads up and pay attention to what is going on each day, every day, so that when it is voting time you will know how to cast your vote. Each vote is important and your vote could be the one that helps to give hope and change to make our country strong and back to work.
Hump Day is always a good day. Mid week, a time to catch up with ourselves. Yesterday Pat and I had a chance to catch up with old friends. Darlene had a July birthday we missed , but not for long, as we celebrated with a visit to her favorite Tea Room and had lunch. The conversation is always lively and the ladies who run the Tea Room are old friends so we have drop in visits and a lot of laughter. The food is always good but the pies are scrumptious. I shared a piece of coconut crème pie with Pat and Darlene ordered a piece of the fresh peach pie which we all had to taste. Lunching out with friends is the thing to do, try it, I am sure you will enjoy every minute of it. If you come this way, I'll treat you to a stop at the Tea Room.
Don't forget one good deed today. Maybe a donation to the paralyzed veterans organization as they have a new calendar program on going showing all the different war planes over the centuries. I know a couple of old veterans who would like one of those. I'm humming "My Prayer is to linger with you, la, la, la" but I have coffee to put on, a breakfast to cook, chores to catch up with and hopefully someone will decide they need a cup of coffee and know the pot is on. Hugs to all. |
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