Saturday, August 9, 2014


A marsupial at Kangaroo Park in Southern Australia 

Pelican in Emu Bay on Kangaroo Island So. Australia 

The river Gum,  Australia 

A flock of Corellas in flight 


Mt. Ohissen in Flinders Range, So Australia 

Glen Helen Gorge Northern Territory, Australia 

Julie fletcher the Photographer

To see these pictures on the full screen is amazing, beautiful and a true wonderment as this young lady , getting over a big disappointment in her life, went to Australia  and became on of the foremost photographers of renown.  Her work is a marvel as these pictures attest to.    A form of art we can all enjoy.
Your weekend begins.   Here it is Saturday morning already.    Another week gone to memories while we decide what to do with this one.   I have no idea why the print size changed but then I have no idea how the computer works to begin with.  As long as the words print and you get to enjoy the pictures then I cannot complain.   I like this size print as I can read it without glasses.  

It is berry picking time in our area, huge blackberries that make great cobblers and pies.   Jock tells me he is out picking some this morning and is going to bring some in when he comes to town.  He asked how many I'd like and I told him preferably in a pie but I'd settle for a couple of cups full to make a cobbler.   We have a few bushes over in the field area but they are far from ready to pick.  I have some new 'stems' growing on the back fence, maybe if I leave them alone I'll have a bush right there and can pick them when the ripen but that one stem isn't going to produce much yet .  Maybe Jock will show me how to 'fence' them so I can let them grow on the back fence.    So, if you have berry bushes in your area, grab a bucket and go on a picking spree.   Think of the pies and cobblers you can make.  Stop and get some cream to go on the finished dish.   Have fun.   Hum a lively tune as you pick , enjoy and don't forget to smile.  Hugs to all.

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