Sunday, August 31, 2014


Words, words, words....reminders, lessons, exchange of thoughts .

Here it is Sunday morning and it is four a.m.;  woke up, ready for a new day and wish I could tuck myself back in my bed and fall asleep again but that is not what my mind says.  It is wide awake and filed with thoughts of yesterday.   The yard sale went well considering we really were not going to have one until our neighbors decided to put one on.  We couldn't waste the opportunity to open the garage doors and take advantage of the treasure hunters.   We had a good group going for awhile and I enjoyed meeting and greeting them.   Pat had a thermometer of  some kind, have no idea where it came from or what it was used for .  She put a dollar on it and a man came and inspected it and wondered about it.  We had fun trying to figure out where it got its start and why it had a huge bolt on the end of it.  Maybe it was in a factory room or a submarine, but it sure was used for something as the scale showed it kept tract up to two hundred and seventy degrees.  We agreed it was a conversation piece so he bought it along with a small poetry book from which I read a short poem and he couldn't resist.    We had our usual folks who love to stop by and admire all the fancy glass pieces but have no interest in them anymore.   There were several cut glass pieces that were real treasures.   One lady came, a lady who comes to every sale, and one who loves to talk so an hour later she was still telling me about some new vitamins that are going to be the new cure all for everyone.   She swears by them and said she would never be without them.   I told her I have taken the same vitamin for over sixty years and liked the price better than the one she quoted.  We parted friends.

Meanwhile down the street the ladies were showing off their wares.   I didn't buy anything , although there was a bit of temptation for a minute or two.   I'm down sizing so I have to mean it or I'll fill the house back up with trinkets  that are to nice to leave behind.  Erin found a couple of cups from the forties she couldn't resist.   Pat traded a few pieces .   All in all it was fun and we are going to treat ourselves to breakfast out this morning as we were much to tired to go out to dinner last evening.    It is fun to have a yard sale but it is a lot of work both setting it up and taking it down.    Not sure if Pat will leave things as is, due to the fact the city wide sale starts the first week in October.  We have the set up and could probably get a few more treasures sold.   I'll let you know.  Smile!!!
Erin and I haven't had a chance to visit yet.   She and Jess had a great camping trip up at Crater Lake.   The had their choice of camp sites and had their bikes along so did some biking and some swimming.   I am hoping to hear some of her stories from Guyana and see some of her pictures.   Maybe she will put some on my computer so I can blog about her and them.   It is so nice to have her home.
Enjoy your Sunday;  think about words and their meanings and practice some sweet ones today.   Make good choices and have a last of the summer picnic with family and friends.    Hugs are good, try a couple of bear hugs and see how they make you feel.    Hugs to all.

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