Sunday, July 6, 2014

All Over

Ah, a quiet sunset.

This could be our Emma but she likes t here balls and is working on four.

Something new and cute and tasty and non fattening.  I'll go for that. 

And the celebration is over and summer vacation comes to mind.  I'm ready for a change.

The sixth day of July and the Yard Sale is over as far as having folks drop in and check out the treasures.  It was amazing to see some of the folks choose select pieces and be so happy to own them.   One little girl walked off with a Barbie doll and her second choice was a relic bone that looked like a small dog.  Her mother wasn't sure of that particular piece but her daughter may grow up to study anthropology.   Some of the men folk were funny hoping to find tools or something man like, all that fancy glass had no draw as far as they were concerned.   We had streamers of yellow caution tape strung across John's possessions and his Marylyn  Munroe poster attracted many but it was a definite 'not for sale' item.   I wrote to John to ask if he was interested in selling any of his 'stuff' and got a resounding 'leave my stuff alone';  guess he wasn't in a yard sale mood.    All in all we three ladies were exhausted at the end of a two day sale.   Today is clean up day and we are all sore and tired and don't want to move but it has to be done so we can take advantage of Jock and his big truck this week.  Thank God for Jock, what would we do without him . . . hope we never find out.  

So if you do decide to part with your treasures, be sure you look them over carefully, wash them up and price them, wrap them and put them away in a special box so when the day comes you decide to have your sale you will be way ahead of the game.    My vases went over big and all the pretty ones have found new homes.   One lady bought my San Francisco pencil pictures which were really a work of art and was so delighted with them she paid me double my price, said it was worth it to her.    Another man let his son pick out three magazine type books on nature, fish and animals and paid more than we were asking as he said they were well worth it.   You meet all kinds and we enjoyed the folks.   Found a possible new yard man;   a handy man and a new lady friend who takes her walker around our block every day and wants to stop by and have tea with me.    So having a yard sale has many more advantages than disadvantages.  We did our good deeds along the way and the smiles were bright and beautiful.   One word of caution though, do it while your young enough to stand, walk, stoop and bend; other wise your legs cramp up in the middle of the night and remind you that 'the old gray mare ain't what she used to be'....believe me it hurts.  So go, have a great day and find reasons  to make your  smile bright and beautiful.  Hugs to all.

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