Saturday, July 26, 2014


A reminder of trips up into the Sierras and wildflowers.

Riding up old 88, a route to Markliville
the road sides overflowing
with ancient rabbit brush
in between are wild flowers
all names I do not know
they take your breath away
as they set the field aglow

I see a purple thistle, majestic I would say
some white and yellow daisies
or at least they look that way
The Indian paint brush is colorful to see
but what is that gorgeous flower
that stand so tall and straight
it looks like a sentinel tending Heaven's gate
so no matter where  your eye looks
as springtime comes along
there are hundreds of wild flowers
right where they belong.

A possum with six babies 

A swan keeps her babies safe under her wing 

He you guys, enough of that smooching. 

Those are not all my legs...come on kids, quit your kidding. 

Wow, think I'd leave these guys alone.   Look like sticks.

Friday, all day, sunshine here as we heat up a little after a cool week.    It means watering the lawn, that perfect yellow circle in my back yard that defies all kinds of  weather to exist.   How come it keeps alive is beyond me.  Maybe it  is the weeds that grow within its circle that holds it together.  I often think a slate patio would look so much better and a lot less work.   Um . . . then I'd have to sweep it and pick weeds out between the stones.  Maybe I'll leave it alone.  I hope you are out making your yard beautiful.  Pull up a chair and take time to relax and enjoy all of your hard work.    Sit quietly and watch the birds and bees.  Find some peace and harmony in your own back yard.    Think about that good deed you want to accomplish today.   Call or write a friend who has just lost someone they love and give them a verbal hug.  Be good, be kind, be gentle as you share YOU with those you love. Hugs to all.


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