Thursday, July 31, 2014


A family outing and that little guy can keep up.  What a cutie. 

A truism 

This picture reminded me of the only Irish joke I can actually tell and not lose the punch line.  It really is more of an Irish tale than a joke but makes every one laugh.  I am sure I have told it before but it never hurts to tell it one more time.    "There was once two Irish men who were bosom buddies and spent every waking moment with each other taking the boat to work; drinking at the local pub, visiting each other every free moment.  One morning Paddy didn't show up at the ferry boat for work.  Mike went on without him but was worried as Paddy was always on time.   After work Mike went to Paddy's house to find out what happened to him.   Paddy's wife met him at the door and told him that Paddy was very ill, in fact had the last rights, so she asked that he go up and see him and cheer him up.   Mike went up the stairs, bent his head as the ceiling was slanted and sat down.  He told Paddy the news of the day and did his best to cheer him up, then said he had to go and as he stood up he bumped his head on the slanted ceiling saying, "jasus how the hell are they going to get a coffin out of here."   

A truism 

Now that is another truism.   How we know the mind is always working even if we decide to lie still.

Hump Day;  another ending as the month of July goes down in history with the never ending bad news of war and all its ugliness.   There is a world of beauty out there but we never hear of it.   I spend time, actually wasting some of my seconds grousing over weeds.  I learned a big lesson yesterday as I walked up to have my hair cut and passed an open field of weeds that were all in bloom and they were actually beautiful.  How little chance we give them to shine.  I was fascinated.  I have never seen the variety of wild weeds in full bloom before.  Mother Nature knows what she is doing.  Wish I did, and how I wished I had my camera with me.

So maybe now I will give the weeds a chance.   I may let a few grow and see what they look like in my garden.  I am not sure I have the courage of my convictions but I am willing to 'change my tune' after seeing that field of true beauty.   One never knows .

So take a walk today and look around you.  See what is out there.  Don't miss the free shows as they are all around.   Stop, look, listen and learn.    Take a friend along and enjoy the walk, leave all  your gadgets home and free yourself for a short time . . . be a weed.  Hugs to all. 

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