Friday, July 25, 2014


The tectonic plates between North America and Europe. It looks like a peaceful scene but when they move we certainly hear about it.      

Attitude is everything and these 'boys' have a lot of it. 

About the only thing that hasn't changed.  It would be nice to say I wore the same dress size but I'd be telling lies if I said that.   Well lets just say there is more to love.

The sun is up and it looks like it is going to be a nice day.   We had a few sprinkles this week but hardly enough to brag about.   Watching the news about weather , especially on the east coast, I count my blessings.   We have been lucky to have cool foggy days but the weather forecast is for hot days to come this week.   Hopefully that means inland and we keep our fog.  It is tuna canning time and Pat and Jock are going to be busy today.   I put my order in.   I would offer to help but I would be more of a hindrance than a help.   Hands don't work like they used to;  fact nothing works like it used to.  

I haven't turned the news on yet, or made my coffee.  I wonder what transpired in the night;  more plane crashes?  What is going on ?   Seems strange.  The Democrats and the Republicans are sending out surveys with the expectation it will help find new leaders for their parties.   The Democratic one blames the Republicans for all the woes, and want to continue on doing the will of their leader while the Republicans send a list of every name and ask you to rate each possible candidate.   As a Democrat with Independent  leanings, I filled out the survey and disagreed with all they asked as I don't think the current Democratic party members are doing their job at all.   I think they should all be shelved.   Harry Reid is such a huge disappointment. Once he was a tremendous fighter for Nevada and did many good things for his state.  But he has changed to Mr. Milktoast and letting his state and the country down.   I had a few words for Nancy P.  but wound up tearing it up as I figured it would be ignored anyway.  I am for impeaching this president and do not understand why it has not happened.  On the other hand I wonder why others think he is doing a good job;  just don't understand it.   Some one once said you should never talk about religion or politics, so I'll take that into my mind and get off my soapbox.   All this because I said I was going to make my coffee and turn on the news.   Be good . . . be aware . . . be astute . . .  be careful and take good care of Y OU.   Don't forget one good deed today, share a hug and a smile with those you meet and greet.  Hugs to all.  

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