Speaking of art, isn't she beautiful. You have to admit with age comes beauty of a different kind.
A new week starting; a month almost at a end and time marches on. I talked with son Michael and he is still having one hundred degree days up there in the high desert country. There have been several lightening caused fires in the Sierras but so far the fire fighters have been able to contain them. I remember the first fire I saw up in those mountains above Carson City. The flames flared and jumped from tree to tree. It was a scary and awesome sight. The next morning the sky was so strange and colorful I wrote a little story poem about it. A Special Sunrise
Fires in our forests many miles away send smoke into our valley hovering like a fay
I walked outside in early morning darkness to watch the sun rise hoping I could see through smoke and haze
I looked over to the east to see a splendorous sight as a brilliant orb of sun peeked like a shining light
the mountain rills were darkened the smoke and haze were gray but the orbit of the sun brought rays of brilliant shades
I stood in awe to see the colors come to life spectacular and beautiful a sign things will be alright.
Out of darkness comes light, so know that fortitude and patience is our way to a bigger and better life. It takes faith, hope and a lot of work on our part to survive in our world. The news hovers like a smoking fire ready to burst into flames and in some parts of our world it already has. Avarice and Greed are the name of the game and seven billion people are paying a price for it. So you have your little corner of the world to take care of. Be smart, be aware, pay attention to what is going on in your corner of the world. Bend the knee and do your good deed today. Put a smile on your face and plan to get a few 'things' done that you know need to get done. Hum, it helps. Find someone to hug, it's even better. Hugs to all. |
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