Wednesday, July 2, 2014


AAH!!!!  Coffee, makes the world go around . . . well it does wake you up.  The Health Folks say for every cup of coffee you drink it is necessary to add a glass of water so you will stay hydrated.  Makes sense, slosh, slosh, slosh. 

I wouldn't trade one of my daughters for all of the gold in the world . . . having a grand daughter is very special too;  come to think of it having a granddaughter-in-law makes life so much better.   Oh, how lucky to have such ladies in my life.

A healthy dish of vegetables.   Mix and match what  you like, drizzle with some oil and spices, bake and enjoy. 

If it gets to hot, make yourself and ice bowl and keep your fruit snacks handy. That should cool you off.

Hump Day;  second of July and the valley got lots of heat yesterday while we had the fog roll in and kept us nice and cool.  Daughter Christine said she was melting up there in Port Orchard.   If all goes as planned, we will be off to visit her next week.   Time to take a little vacation and one of those slow rides up the coast with a stop at one of the little towns every thirty miles.   It takes more time to get where we are going but the ride is wonderful, calm, peaceful, beautiful scenery and lots of good places to stop.  Ice cream at the Tillamook Creamery;   Fish and Chips at the Dory;   a ride over the Columbia river on to country roads and old sights to revisit . . . that is if I can get Patricia to lift her foot of the pedal and stop.  She inherited her father's genes in driving and destinations . . . get in the car, put the key in the ignition, drive and don't stop until you reach your destination.   She is improving with age though, and is a bit more willing to stop and smell the roses.  Meanwhile the preparation for the yard sale continues and we look around and wonder if we lost our minds. . . never again . . . until the next time; smile!!

Stay cool, calm and collected, don't let the heat get  to you.  Find a nice quiet spot to hide out in.   Don't forget your good deed for today.   Fit in a couple if you can.    Smile with your eyes, share a hug or two and hum a lot. . 'three little words, that's all I live for, the rest of my days . . I love you' . . . Hugs to all.

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