Tuesday, April 8, 2014


What a beautiful flower;  in time for the Easter season and it is certainly a lovely reminder that there is what is lovingly  referred to as a 'higher power' . . . in three letters . . . GOD . . . It is like the fingers of a hand, ready to reach out and touch you.

This is  called a Blood Moon.   We are about to see a total eclipse around April 14 and/or 15th; have to check that date so we don't miss it....This will be the first of four that will take place this year and next; others in October, April and September of 2015 according to the write up.  Moon will take on a reddish shade, thus the nickname Blood Moon. 

A Farmer with a sense of humor and in tune with the coming of Easter.   How lovely the sheep look all decked out in their Sunday best.    Aren't they beautiful?   I think so.    It used to be fun to go for a ride around Carson City, Nevada and see the new born lambs in the spring.   They were just wooly white and so cute.    

I should have this on my refrigerator door, my computer and read it over to remind me that my life is not perfect but it certainly is blessed.   

Tuesday, a lovely ring to that name as it tells us we did survive Monday.   I  had a good work out yesterday as it was laundry day, the vacuum got a work out and I put my closet back together. I had emptied it to make way for a new piece of linoleum but it didn't work out so I cancelled the whole deal.   It amazes me how you cannot get anything done around here without a string of problems to contend with.  Oh to have a man around the house with a hammer in one hand and a smile on his face. 

I am off to have my coffee and wake up.    Get up, go out and get yourself a cup of your favorite morning drink and plan how you will spend your seconds today.    Don't forget to do at least one good deed today, light a candle for those in need and share YOU with your favorite people.    Hugs to all.


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