Monday, April 14, 2014

New Week

A very unusual flower, looks like an Easter basket.   

Someone is going to take a huge kidding about spelling.   

Sally  keeps us apprised of what is happening in Port Orchard .  I didn't see this bakery when I visited, but I did see a great one in one of the towns when Sheila and I had our day away.   It was hard to not buy a little bit of everything.    I am a bread eater and love to try new and different ones.  It looks like I will shop here next trip up to visit Christine. 

A very good idea and that goes for all those other little 'doohickeys'  before verbal conversation goes out of style.

Um  . . . wonder if there is a recycle bin around here  I could use.

Here it is Monday again, a new week to sharpen up those ideas of what to do and not to do this week.   I have a big plastic bag filled with dead garden debris but need to spend hours clearing out the garden only to find I need a trip to a recycle bin in order to do it.   All of those chores that we groused about over the years become a lost cause as the body cannot cooperate and do all of those easy movements of walking on stones, bending, pulling and working a pitch folk;  A song comes to mind . . . 'The old gray mare ain't what she used to be....'    I need to give in gracefully, but  who wants to be graceful when there is work to be done outside in the lovely warm sunshine.   

Did you have a good weekend?  I hope so.    I had a strawberry blintz yesterday and did not call it a desert.  It was part of a breakfast buffet and I left the small cinnamon buns alone .  The last week of lent and I am ready for that trip to a bakery I talked about.   I am thinking about one of those buttermilk donuts, although I might just wait for a piece of that razzle dazzle pie.    It must be time for my coffee as food is on my mind.  So off I go and wish you were here to share some breakfast with me....blueberry pancakes, some of Pat's delicious granola, a dropped egg on toast. . . you choose, I'll cook.   I even have a hug or two I'll share.    If you can't make it, then call someone in and share some breakfast with them . . .and a hug or two.  Hugs to all.

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