Sunday, April 13, 2014


The serious business of Holy Week, the blessing of the palms, holy water and visiting your favorite church and follow the stations of the cross.    It was serious business for us as children and we learned very early how to prepare for Easter Sunday.  Believe me, it had nothing to do with bunnies, baskets and candy . . . we had a soul to save and it was our own. 

The color of lent.    

So today, think about YOU and be glad that you are alive and can count your blessings. 

A lovely picture of the after effects of wind and water on the sand.   Angie took this picture up at her new home in Newport, Oregon.   She and her two puppies have been roaming the beach and enjoying a walk on the beach.

Palm Sunday it is, a week to go and Easter Sunday will be here.   Daughter Patricia and I have been working in her garage to prepare for the upcoming city wide yard sales so it means a lot of work to get her garage to look like a 'junk' shop filled with 'treasures' you cannot live without.    It proved to be a warm sunshine day and one of the neighbors was having a yard sale, so we decided to open the doors and see what would happen....we had folks stop in  and lucky for us, found something to take home with them.    We met some nice people and it is one of the redeeming factors of having a 'yard sale'.   Now we have to get busy and add a few more items we want to get rid of and start to revamp the garage so it looks like a place to find a special piece or book.   It is days like this we wish the garage was much larger , but if it was we would still be complaining of how little room we had.    I've been down loading some of my treasures so will have to take them over and see what the big citywide sale can do about helping us to make room for new treasures.    If you haven't been to a yard sale lately, well get ready and go.  You will be amazed at what you will find that you just cannot live without.   Go with a smile on your face, and a light step, a firm shake to your hand and a small word of praise helps to make a brighter day.  Happy hunting.    Hugs to all. 

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