Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Now this is different and beautiful.    I'd like to have some of these in my garden. 

Ooh, a tasty treat. 

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.   Nature at its artistic best.. 

Good question.  anyone have an answer?

Wow, the fish is almost as big as the gull.  Looks like it has a big appetite.

Here it is the 22nd and I have some window folks coming today to replace some glass and screens.   I was over at Pat's for the last two days and baby sat Emma while Pat had her foot operated on.   She did fine and has a boot the size of a huge box, to the tune of three hundred dollars for this boot, she tells me..   I am glad she is doing so well and hopefully will heal quickly and be able to walk without pain.   This is the first of three operations that she hopes will keep her walking.   Pat is amazing and is up and ready to do for herself.  Independent of spirit and stubborn as a mule as we had an argument about her driving me home;  no way, too soon, and I had my first taxi ride here in Brookings.  A lovely lady driver who gave me a deal on my mile ride home.  All in all, it will now take time for the healing process and hopefully a quick recovery.    Jock took Emma home with him to keep her exercised and happy.  How much she loves him and his two dogs.  She is at home with him and loves swimming in the lake.    So cross your fingers, say a prayer and send Pat a Facebook message to keep her in good spirits.    Send her a verbal hug or two.   Meanwhile enjoy today.   Be good, be kind and be YOU.  Hugs to all. 

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