Sunday, June 15, 2014

Flag Day Celebrations

In Delaware  there was Founders Day and Jo and John hung buntings on their front windows.  I am told the weather was perfect  and the fire works beautiful. 

Up in Gardnerville, Nevada there was a parade . . . an annual affair in which son Michael and Michael Amacker dream  up ideas for a float.   Here son Michael is teasing a young friend.

The jail filled up in a hurry;  clever float, well built by son Michael. 

A cowboy telling a tall tale.   I see son Michael through the cell window.  I gather he was the driver of the float.

Back in Brookings, daughter Pat took a ride over to the car wash and found the prices had gone sky high.  They had a different wash, cheaper so she decided to try it even though it meant she had to do the work.  The machine worked long enough to soap the car then nothing.  She had to drive home , bubbles and all, and finish the job in her driveway.   Imagine the smiles as she went by throwing bubbles in the air. 

Up in Newport, Oregon they had a Scottish Festival and this is a young one in a kilt. 

One of the games.  Looks like a huge tree.  Wonder how he did.  Maybe Angie will tell us as she was heading out the door for the games.

And Flag Day was celebrated in lots of different styles.    Up in Port Orchard they held a tea.   I don't have the  pictures to show, only a word from daughter Christine saying it was a success and she was taking time out to rest her feet.  

I hope you celebrated Flag Day and had a lot of fun sharing time and space with those you love.    Today is another day of celebration, this time for Fathers . . . A day to remember a very special man, good, bad or indifferent, he did the best he knew how.   Be good, be kind, be gentle . . . remember as daughter Christine often says, "wherever you are, you are there."   Hopefully wherever you are you find the time, the energy and the love to share as it is what makes our world go around.   Hugs to all.

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