Friday, June 6, 2014

I Am Back

I came back this morning from Medford, a lovely ride through curvy mountain roads, with trees swaying in the wind and no camera;  but Mike A. sent this beautiful picture from the ranch up there in Nevada and it makes me wish I were there to enjoy all  the beauty . 

We saw all kinds of flowers in bloom especially at the hotel where we stayed.  The entire front has long large windows, shaped as alcoves, with a table and chairs in each one.   The outside is all garden area and the colorful flowers were lovely to look at.  The inside walls are covered with floral prints by the local artists and each one is a marvel.   

This was the laugh for the day and it was ready and waiting for me to put in on the blog;  how could I not . . . It was a tale about a farmer going to his doctor for a check up and they had an aside discussion about politics , and when the farmer referred to our current president as a turtle on a stump;  the doctor wanted to know what he meant  and he replied ;  the turtle did not get up there on the stump by himself;  he does not belong up there;  he doesn't  know what to do while up there;  he is elevated beyond his ability to function, so you wonder what kind of dumb ass put him up there to begin with.'      It does make sense, doesn't it?

The current news about the release of the five most prominent and dangerous war prisoners   says a lot.

The trip to Medford was and is a two and a half hour drive through curvy mountain roads.   You never meet a big truck or a group of fast  moving cars unless you are heading into a curve;  it never fails.   Some obey the rules of the road, some do not and every now and then there is a 'close call' as someone is driving fifty-five in a thirty mile area, usually the sharpest of curves.   The wind was up so it was something to see the trees swaying in the breeze.    Much warmer as you head for the big city and leave the fog and coolness of Brookings behind.    Pat's checkup was good, but expectations are it needs to improve before she can be measured for orthotics to help keep her bones straight.   So another visit in a few more weeks.    The hotel was lovely, has a built in restaurant and the prices are good, the food even better and a coupon for a five dollar breakfast.  We took full advantage of that and found they serve way to much food for so early in the morning. 
  The mall hasn't changed, a few more stores closed, but some interesting sales in some that are still open.   I had no idea blouses and sweaters were up in the fifty dollar range...all from China....are they kidding???     We did our Costco stop yesterday afternoon so we didn't have to wait around for it to open this morning and we had the chance to leave by six thirty a.m.  We listened to a tape about murder and mayhem and almost got to the end;  have to wait for another trip out to find out how it ends.

We are glad to be back on the coast where it is cool and breezy today.  The ocean looked good as we rounded the corner and rode along out highway to home.    Now to unbox and unpack and catch up with some watering today.   I hope you had good weather, met with family and friends and did what you were suppose to do to make your world go round  yesterday.   A weekend coming up . . . um. . . how fast they come around.   Be good, be kind, be gentle and yes, you do have to do one good deed today . . .just a small one.   Hugs to all. 

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