Friday, June 13, 2014

New Thoughts

New thoughts. . . like wishing prices were like this once again.

At last we meet him . . . Simple Simon met a pie man on his way to the fair. Simple Simon said to the pie man," let me taste your wares";  said the pie man to Simple Simon, " show me first your penny"; said Simple Simon to the pie man," indeed sir I haven't any".   Wow, I remembered that little verse. 

It is just pure joy to be a Grandma;  I wouldn't trade my two for anything.    

A truism.    Words that slip from the tongue are never allowed back;  they stay and permeate the air with ugliness if they are said with hurt in mind;  but open those lips and let a few simple compliments out and the air becomes sunshine bright like the smile you give with love.

Friend Marge was out with her camera and it was low tide.   She did a great job;  look at the reflection in the water.  a tide pool. 

She caught this big fat gull sunning itself in the sun.   

Friday morning, mid June already.  The seconds fly by as the fog lays low this morning.   It is a little chilly in the house this morning but that will end as soon as the sun decides to come out for the day.  Daughter Pat and I went to a real true yard sale  yesterday where things were strewn on a sheet on the lawn and free.  Paper back books were ten for a dollar, guess they really wanted to get rid of them.  I didn't buy any, though I did pickup one hard back, a book by Ernie Pyle, copyright 1944, titled "Brave Men".   It should be a great read as he was a war correspondent who traveled with the men.   The young folks were cleaning out a huge house filled with all kinds of 'stuff'' and people were coming in droves.  There were plastic boxes filled with all colors of yarn.   Daughter Christine would have bought them all as the price was fifty cents a skein and all wool yarn.   She would have had enough for all kinds of projects when teaching a class or two at the gallery.   I did find a cute dark blue purse which I thought I might put to use, but it turned my fingers blue and I have no idea why, so I am throwing it away.   Never heard of a purse turning fingers blue before; probably made in China.   The ride back through the back roads in the Fort Dick area was lovely.    The trees have grown and the weeds have turned to bushes, some with flowers or lacy like Queen Anne's lace.   We got to the corner to turn on to the highway for home just before school let out and dozens of buses were ready to pull out.  It would have been a slow ride if they beat  us to the corner.

Wonder what  you are doing this weekend.  I hope something fun.    Take your seconds one at a time.  The news is really horrific and Obama has fulfilled his promise to 'change' America.  The old adage of dividing and conquering comes to mind.  Who said 'we are in for a rough ride'?  Hopefully we will back our 'Tea Party"  folks and let them prove they have the ideals to turn things around.    Keep your eye on fact, not fiction.    Be good, do your good deed for today.   Put a smile on your face that shows the love in your heart and hug a friend today.  Hugs to all.

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