Sunday, September 21, 2014


Hot, Scorching and Destructive.   I hear that Walmart has a special truck to fill and a special list of items in the store needed by the folks in Weed, so stop by and see what you can do to help those folks who have lost everything. 

The good old days of 1958.  I used to take my children out to lunch at this fancy restaurant.

A truism.   

A special man.

A weekend to think about what you would like to do with yourself . . . wonder what your thoughts are.  Hopefully your plans are to have some rest and relaxation after a very busy week.  Daughter Patricia bought me a new puzzle , which is a doozy, should take weeks to do . . . um, maybe that is why she and Erin decided to make a visit to Christine.   Well, I will just take my time and be sure to save the hard parts for her return.     My neighbor Shannon came over with a bag filled with cherry tomatoes.  She decided to get an early start on her garden and pulled the plants all up.   I'll have to make up a sauce, maybe I'll plan a spaghetti dinner for myself.   Good thoughts at four in the morning.   I woke up at three and read awhile but that didn't do the trick so I opened up the computer only to be told I have a problem keeping it going.  It works between the banner headline but aggravating not knowing if you will be able to see the blog today.  I'm off to see what happens.  I'll be back.   Meanwhile, have some fun, get busy winterizing your gardens, get out the rake and have fun with the fallen leaves.    Go help someone pick some apples and bake a pie.   Just be good, be kind, be useful and enjoy your weekend.  Hugs to all.

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