Thursday, September 25, 2014


Some terrific pictures come from the Old Moss Lady and this is a great one of an ancient tree.  The stories it could tell.  The things you can see and the tales you could make up all by yourself.  Mother Nature herself, yawning, waking up and telling a hairy story in honor of the up coming Halloween.  She could be singing a Good Morning to you.  Check her out and see what you can see.

Ginny took this picture of the sunset  in the Northwest and it is really beautiful.  Serenity at it s best. 

Here it is four a.m. so that will tell you all about my sleep patterns.    It does make for quiet time to blog, to ponder , to say a prayer or two, or crawl back under the covers and enjoy a few more hours of sleep.  I'm thinking . . . but the coffee smells good and I'm hungry so I guess I'll nap in my chair later. 

A thought to ponder when you go about wasting your seconds worrying about things you can do nothing about.   

I have a VFW Ladies Auxiliary calendar which points out the important dates in military history.  We don't seem to be keeping up with the celebrations like we used to, at least we would stop and pay homage to our veterans from all wars.  There was VJ Day, on the second, when Japan signed the formal surrender in 1945.  The U.S. Naval Sea Cadet  Corps Incorporated in 1962, now this one was a surprise as I had never heard of it and that was celebrated on the 10th.  The eleventh was Patriot Day and National Day of service and Remembrance and we were to fly our flag until sunset.  We could have celebrated on the 14th when the "Star Spangled Banner" was written by Francis Scott Key in 1814. On the 17th U.S. Constitution approved in 1787, and the Ladies Auxiliary VFW organized in 1914.  The 18th, U.S. Air Force established  1947. The 19th, POW/MIA Recognition Day.  Coming up on the 28th is the Gold Star Mother's Day and on the 29th VFW Day established in 1899.    Our history lesson for today.   We don't have to throw a party for every event, but a thought, a prayer, a little homage to those who played a very important part in making America the greatest nation on earth would be in order.   In keeping our history in mind, we may find the path way to bringing America back to what it really  truly stands for.  We have a lot of work to do.  Today is a good day to start, bend the knees, say a prayer or two, stand up and keep your little corner of the world as safe as you can make it.   Do your good deed for the day, smile at a stranger, hug a friend and hum a lot as it chases the blues away.  Hugs to all. 

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