Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Sheila bought her cats a new 'roost' and they love it.

That is some nest.   A busy mom feeding her little one.  Mother's are like that.

The snail doesn't seem to think size matters.  

Looks like frost on the rose.

Hump day and Mary Beth leaves us today to return to Rhode Island.   We have had a wonderful week and it has passed much to quickly.   Erin came and they went for a last hike to take pictures of the sunset on the beach last evening.   I have some pictures to show you but have to find out how to get them from one area to another before that deed is done.   So this morning we are leaving very soon to go to the airport. 

Christine left yesterday and made good time getting back to Port Orchard.  She said the traffic was light and she was back to her two black cats and their paper trail.    She has yet to figure out why so she has a mystery to solve.   I'm off to make the coffee and get dressed and off to the airport.   Have a day to remember and be good, be kind, be gentle and don't forget to invite a family member  you have not seen in awhile;  the results will amaze you.   Make today a hug day, why not?  It is good for you.  Hugs to all.

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