Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Unusual, mysterious is the Diphylleia Gray or the Skeleton Flower.  The petals turn transparent in the rain.   The picture was taken by photographer Shougo  Yokota. One of nature's mysteries.  I'd love to see one, wouldn't  you?


Another truism.     We really are responsible for the choices we make.   Others may try to tell us how to live our lives but it really is up to us to make our own decisions, unless, of course, you are a teen ager and already know everything there is to know.  Strange, isn't it, when you can look back at some of the choices you made in life and wonder if you lost your brains along the way.   You will have reason to laugh and to cry over some of the decisions you made for yourself but isn't it great that you survived in spite of yourself.   Today is a new day filled with seconds that demand your attention and  your choices.  The old adage of think before you speak comes to mind.  So spend your seconds being good, kind, benevolent and stretch your hands out, not inward, and make someone a better person just because they know YOU.  Go, find something or someone who will benefit from a choice you make today. Just remember  you do not know it all, no one does, so choose wisely with a smile and a hug at the ready and your day will be one of the best  you have ever had.   A good choice.  Hugs to all.

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