Sunday, September 7, 2014

More Churches

I should have thought of this a long time ago. 

John has been helping Jo in the remodeling of the kitchen and it has been an uphill battle as the time they spent trying to make the space fit, it didn't and they are back to square one again. . . frustrating for them.  I thought they might enjoy seeing the new color scheme for kitchens, bright and beautiful but. . . not my cup of tea as it seems too much.  I like calm, peace, especially if I am going to have a nice and, or, special meal.  It does catch the eye, so the beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

This cathedral took centuries to build.   That was all my notes said;  should have written down where this is.   I can only imagine how really beautiful it is inside and out.

This one is in Kiev.   Look at those golden domes. 

This was a surprise and it is really special and beautiful .  The Air Force Cadet Church in Colorado.
Modern, upright, strong and smart design.    I like it.  How about you?

Our busy week continues as we took our guest, the delightful Mary Beth from Rhode Island, a special niece and one who has filled our hours with delightful family history stories, and did the Brookings specials yesterday.   We went to Azalea Park to walk the paths and visit the Campanile which Elmo Williams built in honor of his deceased wife.   From there we went to the Manley Art Center and met up with the host  for the day, Pete Chaser, who we found out was from New Hampshire so it was a small Yankee reunion.   On to the Tea Room for lunch only to be turned away as they were finishing up with their eaters and had closed the doors just after twelve thirty.  No big deal, on to Pancho and fish tacos.  Next stop was the big Antique Mall we have here in Brookings.  Mary Beth was surprised and pleased and had not been in anything like this.   She found a few gifts to try to add her already full suitcase;  you know she'll find room.    Home to rest up and then daughter Christine arrived and out came the Christmas presents.  Well, she is always a bit late in that department, believes in delivery them in person rather than mailing them in December.  Works great every year and we look forward to our Christmas with her in the summer or fall months.   I have a new glass cheese board made by one of the artisans at the Gallery in Port Orchard.   We filled it with some elk sausage Jock made and gifted Patricia, so she shared and it was delicious.  We had several cheeses and the best pickles;  yes, a feast topped with a glass of red wine.  Such fun to have a small family reunion.

I hope you have the chance to invite a family member you have seen for awhile.   It has been forty years since I have seen Mary Beth.   The family resemblance is something as you look at the features of a niece or nephew and see familiar genes and recognize those that have gone but left their spirit behind.  So don't be stingy, invite a family member you haven't seen for awhile and find instant memory building.   Smiles are frequent, laughter is loud and secrets are told so don't hesitate as you can build some brand new memories that your children and grandchildren can enjoy.     Life goes on as it should;  how lucky we are.  Hugs to all.

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