We have seen that in action. Time to make a difference; get out and vote; talk your friends into getting out to vote as each and every vote is important. You may not think we can win, but if you do not vote you can be assured we will not win and take our country back. It only takes one vote to make a difference and a winner.
The last day of September. I am thankful for the light showers as it helped the garden plants survive. The nasturtiums have taken on a new life and are spreading at the base of the fence. It has been a sort of give and take with Mother Nature as to whether they would even survive. Usually they grow wild like weeds but these have been very slow to take over as I envisioned a 'fence full'. Maybe next year. Meanwhile I have hopes that Rocky will come by soon and button up the garden for the winter months. The wild berry bushes are on the march and have high hope of taking back their territory. Sometimes I think they are succeeding as I now have some growing on the side fence by the big empty lot next to the property line. This area used to be all wild berry bushes so the seeds and roots are there. They just wait patiently and start growing all over. The berries themselves are delicious; it's the thorns that make them lethal. When you check my blog this morning you will find two blogs of pictures of my family friends who left Carson City, Nevada for Colorado and a small family reunion. The newest member, Joseph, now eight months old, met his great grandmother for the first time. Love at first sight. I hope you enjoyed meeting them and sharing their vacation trip. I did. Make your seconds worthwhile today; a good deed or two; clean out your pantry shelves and take some extras to the Food Bank, the need is great with so many folks out of work. Think upcoming holidays and need . . . sharing is caring. You can do it . . . make someone happy . . . YOU are very good at that!! Hugs to all. |
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