Monday, September 29, 2014


"This photograph was taken 6/28/12 of the Angkor Wat temple Complex in Siam Reap province.   It is the worlds biggest religious complex.  Built in 1150 but long lost to history.  High tech lasers were used to map 140 square miles in the area.  The greatest medieval city on earth" population was one million before its rulers left it behind in the 15th century.   City of Mahendrapvata, lost temples, roads and incredible hydraulic systems allowed the citizens to use monsoon water to their benefit .  Floods, however eventually drove people away."

Here is a picture of Christopher Columbus.  Always wondered what he looked like.   The eyes say Italian, bet they were big and brown.  The hands are beautiful, long fingers of a musician.  

William Overstreet, Jr. was the American pilot who chased a German plane in a World War II dog fight in Paris, France back in 1944.  The German pilot thought to evade the American pilot but he was close on his tail and downed the German plane.   He died at the age of ninety-two in Virginia.  

There was an article on tea which I found interesting as I have been a tea drinker for a very long time.  Coffee tops my list but tea is a close second.   The article was all about how much 'bad' stuff is in our tea bags and how awful the tea bag itself is.   It seems we have been getting a lot more in our tea than we thought.   If all the rumors keep up we wont be able to drink or eat much of anything.   I did find out the tea plant is called Camella Sinensis (the tea plant).  AND . . .if you are to believe everything you read there are a few teas we can still enjoy, like, Bigelow, Tazo Zen Green Tea and Twinings Chai Tea.  According to the article the hot water brings out the bad stuff but never mentions ice tea . . . maybe ice is the answer.  I don't know about you but so far tea hasn't done any damage to me personally so I think I'll continue to enjoy my cup of tea.
So, maybe the Irish knew more than we gave them credit for as they make sure they boil the water and put it in the tea pot long before they actually make the tea, but then they use real tea and no tea bags, and they let it steep for a good three minutes before they drink it.   Some of the old timers used to pour the tea into their saucer and slurp it up from there.   Maybe the difference is in using real tea and not tea bags.   Maybe we need to go back to the old fashioned ways of making our drinks and our food fit to eat these days.   Everything went along fine in the food chain until folks decided to fool around and 'improve' it ;  um . . . no wonder there are so many new and different ailments around.   Maybe you could start a neighborhood garden.  Find the someone who knows how to garden and get out there and help them turn the soil;  add to the mulch and bend over to weed when the time comes and share. . . sharing is caring and you then know what you are eating.   Good health . . . we can all  use a bit of that.   
One good deed;   a twinkle in your eye;   a big bear hug to share;   what a way to start your new week.  Hugs to all.

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