Thursday, September 4, 2014




South America

St Peters Rome
An attachment came in yesterday showing the different churches around the world which I thought was very interesting.   This is the first of many.   I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I did.  Wouldn't it be fun to be able to visit each one.  Just think of the light those candles would make. 

Friend Joyce 

Joyce's rental house in Ecuador

Joyce called the other day to say hello. she is having land lady problems so is planning another move.  She hates to give up this place as it has been home for awhile but the landlady is not much on repairing broken pipes and the workers, when Joyce send for one are a bit lazy about getting the job done.    She has made up her mind to move  so she has begun to look at a little different area.   She has been in Ecuador three years or more, doesn't seem that long, but it is and she seems to like it there.  Her husband Ken came down with Alzheimer and is in a special home being well cared for.  The picture was painted by a friend, isn't it lovely, very colorful.   We got cut off three times during the conversation so Joyce finally resorted to e-mail.   So from what she says, she has found a different life style and seems to be happy there.

As for me, Mary Beth arrived and the plane was on time.  The wind was high and I wondered about the landing but all went well.  We haven't seen each other in over forty years so we both wondered if we would recognize each other.  We did, as soon as her head appeared in the doorway I knew her, and she didn't think I had changed much....well she lies well.    It was like greeting someone you saw a week ago;  great hugs, many words to share and we went on to a restaurant to have dinner and conversation.   She and Erin hit it off and we had a tough time trying to talk over the loudness of a table filled with birthday party celebrators.    The noise level was really something.  We finished up our meal and headed home and caught up with family news.   Today we will introduce her to the Port and one of the beaches and I'll take my camera with me.

I hope you have company coming and get to share time and space with them.    Chris is coming in tomorrow so that will add to the mix and we should all have a great time.    There is something about family that is special as you catch up on family history and tell a tale or two.   Laughter and tears go so well together.    Be good, be kind, be gentle and share YOU with  your family today.  Hugs to all.

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