Friday, August 1, 2014

A True Musing

A walk on the beach, time to  muse in the mind, sights and sounds and scattered thoughts about life in general.

When I started to write, it was thoughts put on paper to read at the local writers group.  You were to pick a subject and write.  I thought you might like to read one I wrote today.  I have a box of them if you like musings.  Smile!!

A Musing by Jean , August 1, 2014

It has been awhile since I have written a musing.  I have been busy with the computer and the open road to e-mails, Facebook and blogging.  I haven't entertained the idea of adding one of my musings, why?  Maybe fear that no one will like what I have to say when I am in a thinking mood. 

The words, who, why, what, where, when are always at the forefront of our vocabulary, and our minds, when we have any kind of decisions to make.  Somewhere, back in time, someone person instilled the idea that we were personally responsible to make a 'someone' happy and content, at a very large cost to ourselves.  That is wrong, and it should be corrected even though you have spent most of your lives trying to placate, help, listen and give up YOU.

It is time to think clearly about YOU.  Who, number one on our list , is the most important person in your life.. . . YOU are!!!  If you do not take care of yourself, then how can you take care of anyone, or anything, that comes into your daily life?  You come first;  then you have a decision to make on  your own time, by your own self, as to who is important on your life list that you want to share YOU with.

Why:  number two on our list;  Why do we kowtow to those who lord it over us by their sheer gall of thinking they know what it is we want in our lives?  It is up to YOU to choose who you want, and know why you want them.  There is no law that I know of that tells us we have to be responsible for the actions of those who are either in or out of your life circle.

What:  YOU decide what is important.  You live your life each day, sharing your seconds with those you love.  There is nothing that I know of that says you have to change your plans, give up your freedom, take on other tasks or problems, or, even give the time to listen to the ongoing laments of what is happening in their lives.  It is up to them to solve their own problems.  No one solves yours.  That is left up to you.  So take time out and decide what it is that you want your life to be.

Where:  places?  Your choice.  If you find that  you really truly do not want to be in a place, not of your choosing, then show the stamina and grace to change and be in place you want to be.  We are all afraid of hurting feelings, but that should be a two way street.

When:  When means time to me.  Our lives are passing by in seconds, faster than we realize, and it is time now to take a good look at YOU;  make a chart, left and right, put down the thoughts that lead you to a happier existence of being the person you were meant to be . . . good, kind, loving, strong, unafraid and willing to be a whole person who knows and understands the who, why, what, when and where in life.

You might find you really can live on your own terms, and be accepted because you are not a follower, but a true leader of your own heart and mind.

Go . . . Live life when, where and how you want it . . enjoy your seconds.


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