Friday, August 15, 2014


Look in and around your little circle of this world and maybe, just maybe  you will find a few reasons to smile.   

This gives me chills just looking at it.  I'm a coward, no way would I ride on that.  I have a couple of family members who would be first in line and go back again and again.   

Mustangs by Robert Glen, Las Colima, Texas. USA 

The monument of an anonymous passerby, Wroclaw, Poland 

Expansion, Paige Bradley, New York
The sculptures and statues from around the world came in on an attachment.  There was just too many for one blog.   An amazing talent by so many artistic folks we never heard of.  

A truism.

It is Friday already, another fast week, another cool week for us here in Brookings.   We had a light mist but no big rain storms on the coast.   Inland they had lightening so there are fires to put out.   The firefighters do such a tremendous job in their efforts to keep the fire under control and contained.   There is on up near Grants Pass which is proving difficult and folks have been told they may have to evacuate.   Say a  prayer they get the promised rain storm which would help to get the fire under control. 

The birthday luncheon went well yesterday. I had my first taste of calamari and it was delicious.  I think I'll order it the next time I go out to dinner.   I had a cup of clam chowder and ordered the child's portion of fish and chips which turned out to be just enough and very tasty.   Pat had fish tacos which she enjoyed.  I found the conversation interesting as both ladies are always looking for treasures at yard sales and have been successful in finding a small trinket or two.   Marcia showed us a string of pearls that she found at a sale and they were very beautiful.  I bet they are valuable, at least they looked like they were.   Pat has been reaching coins and has learned so much in a very short time, and I am learning as I listen.  The old adage of never being to old to learn is a true one.  
So today, learn something new and different.   Give your brain a walk around a thought and follow it through.    Know half of August has already gone which shows how fast your seconds tick away.   Don't waste your seconds, put them to good use as you share YOU with those you love.   Speaking of sharing I had an e mail from a friend who bought some extra $5.00 coupons at MacDonald's to share with a 'street-person' who is down on his or her luck.   No one really knows the history of the street people so judging is not ours to do.  A bit of food and a hot drink may be the turning point in their lives.    Keep that in mind, as 'there but by the grace of God, go I'.   Hugs to all.

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