Sunday, August 17, 2014

More Trees

The Baobabs of Madagascar 

The Dragonblood which has crimson sap 

A South Carolina Oak

Wind Swept caused by artic type winds of New Zealand 

No trees, just a little political humor for today. 

Sunday and it is after four a.m.  I have been on the computer since three.  There was an update on one of the programs and I went  for it;  silly me;  now I cant get back in and I am getting nowhere trying to restart a password.   Oh well, I may not Skype again.  Oh to be computer literate.  Need my kids to come home and straighten things out for me.   

It is Sunday and the political pundits are on this morning.   It will be interesting to hear what they have to say about all the immediate crisis.  It is something to watch as the big news of yesterday gets hidden in the back rooms while the latest immediate problem is inundating the tube.   What happened to the influx of children?  What happened in Iran?   Why are they blatantly threatening the Governor of Texas  we know that one, he is standing up to be counted and it makes him a target.   Guess I'll go find out if there is any thing new and different going on this morning.   Coffee here I come.    And a cat nap or two before the morning is over.   It's Sunday...all day,  a day to rest, so join me . . . rest your body and your brain today.  Hugs to all. 


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