Saturday, August 2, 2014

This and That

A fantastic picture of Pittsburg.  I visited there once upon a time.   I have a friend living there now and wish I could go and see her.   There are three rivers that meet ,two I can't spell and one I don't remember but you have to agree it is a great picture. 

Now if you were there in Pittsburg you could stop by and order up one of these sandwiches.  Looks good enough to eat.  Pastrami at its best. 


Kerry isn't making any  headway with the games he plays.     

Hamas  has little value for their women and children it seems.    They agree to a cease fire and then throw up another rocket into Israel.    I gather they think their people are expendable.

Hey ma, wait for me.

Saturday all day, yeah, cowboy movies to watch, a newspaper to check out.  Wonder what Fred Meyer's will advertise this morning.  I was surprised to see a warning sign on the fruits last trip over there;  seems as though the peaches had problems, couldn't read the fine print but you know I didn't buy any.  Pat and Jock are off to a big musical festival  and the report so far is that it was windy but the music was great.   They have a full day and night then it ends tomorrow.   I was thinking we didn't have those big outdoor music festivals in my day but we did have the big bands come and you know we didn't miss a one.   Ah, music sooths the soul.   Think I'll go put some on and make my coffee.   So turn the volume up on your radio and join the band in singing along.    Dance around the living room and exercise.   Find reasons to feel good about yourself and get on with your day.    Have fun!   You have the weekend to do as YOU please . . .so go . . . do it.     Don't forget one good deed.  Hugs to all.

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