Saturday, May 31, 2014



Angie had this little stranger on her window,  peeking in to see what  was going on. 

A colorful bug;  from the moth family it looks like.    

Your smile for the day, what a cute little guy, or is it a girl with all that pink trim.   We should look so cute when stressed.     

Some of those that got away. 

Scruffy and Helga belong to Sheila.  she called them ying and yang as they shared space. 

They may wish it away but it is here to stay until the truth comes out.    There was a sad poem written by a Marine  telling of the two Marines that died trying to save those in the consulate that day .   Hillary Clinton is starting to make noises for another run for the Presidency . . . now that takes gall.    I hope there are many on the playing field so we have choices, and we can make a difference.

What is new and different in your life today?    I hired a young lady to come in and do three of my cupboards , the low ones, the ones that invite you to get down on the floor to reach the illusive big baking pan for a special dish.    Also, to wipe away a dust kitty or two out of the corners.  I can tell you it was the hardest thing I have done in a very long time;  sitting on my duff while someone else did 'my' work;  I didn't like it at all;  Katrina the Great has bitten the dust.   Tina laughed and said she was on her way to knee and back trouble so she would be slowly working her way to the same life style.   She did a great job and will come back again to take down the curtains and put them back up after I wash them.  She will also take the collector cans down from the top of the cupboards and wash them.  So the dust kitties will have to find new places. There is nothing that says we cannot be a  Well, the least I can do is hold the ladder.

Be sure you take good care of your body;  exercise, bend those knees, straighten up that back, use those muscles and take good care of yourself so you 'last longer' . . . exercise the facial muscles as well,   Hugs to all.


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