Monday, October 20, 2014


A new and clever picture for Cancer.  What a cutie and she says what she means and means what she says....let us think of those who are fighting cancer and help anyway we can. 

A truism, although sitting in a rocking chair does have a bit of comfort, a sort of time out and watch the world go by. 

A yellow rose always reminds me of  my daughter Eileen. 

A price we pay for overdoing 'free will'.   The time to wise up is now, not at some future date when it is much to late to undo all the damage to body and soul.

A wake up call.  It is never to late to put a few self control rules in order.   The start of a new week is a good time to think about some changes you would like to make in  yourself and get busy in remodeling.  Be a 'ten' and give yourself reason to be proud of  YOU.   Shorten the list of 'maybe' into 'can do' and do it.   Be kind, be gentle, be one who shares  time and energy , a hug, a smile to those  you love.     Maybe you could change the sign to read MON-Coffee clatch;  TUE-Spouses night out;  WED-gluttony is a sin; THU-clear minds; FRI-seconds are precious; SAT-donate time and money.  SUN-Meet and Greet and change the negatives to positives and get on with the business of living.  There is nothing that says we cannot try to make our little corner of the world bright and beautiful one day at a time.  Hugs to all.

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